Conjurer of the Wind

Wind Cathedral

The Swede Besvärjaren launches his first project through the title Wind Cathedral, the album Conjurer […]
By Bruno Diniz
March 16, 2023
Wind Cathedral - Conjurer of the Wind album cover

The Swede Besvärjaren launches his first project through the title Wind Cathedral, the album Conjurer of the Wind has in its concept an ambient black metal with enough inspiration in a fun and pleasant rhythm of rock of the 60s besides adding touches of electronic elements, a band that came to mind during the period of appreciation of this work was Mesarthim and I believe it probably is an inspiration for him as well,  but there are some points that shows the originality and personal touches like the mixing that is more rudimentary and precarious, and the focus seems to be more nostalgic.

The chosen opener carries the name of the album "Conjurer of the wind" starts with the sound of birds singing and have a strong intro, very immersive and calm at first but things will continue to add more elements during its five minutes duration, u can sense the 60s vibes from beginning, mostly by the drums very simple and direct. The song takes a little pause to relax in a moment to gather even more strength and return in a full black metal vest.  "The Thousand Apparitions of the Sleeper" and "A Glimpse of Darkness Ahead" except for the intro and a few changes between one and another like more muffled sound in glimpse to me exactly the same, I mean, u can think of it like a sequence a sequence or just a repetition, I have to confess it got me,  it's not that is totally unpleased to hear, but I don't know, it was too kind of repetitive, maybe merging then in two steps of same song would sound better, but as I said, it's not that bad. "Gentle Rain Over the Deep Sea" is the shorter song of the album, and has two minutes of duration, it takes more a progressive touches, with moments of just nothing, working like an intro for "Scatter the Carrion Crowes" which is perhaps the most nostalgia of all work, the change of vocals works well in its pulling excerpts for a reflection beyond swinging,  the pace at which this track moves also pleased me a lot, as well as most of the work except for the failures mentioned previously.

8 / 10









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"Conjurer of the Wind" Track-listing:

1. Conjurer of the Wind  05:52
2. The Thousand Apparitions of the Sleeper
3. Gentle Rain Over the Deep Sea
4. Scatter the Carrion Crowes
5. A Glimpse of Darkness Ahead

Wind Cathedral Lineup:

Besvärjaren - All Instruments

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