Wild Beyond

Wild Beyond

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: WILD BEYOND; signed via Gates […]
By Craig Rider
May 8, 2023
Wild Beyond - Wild Beyond album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: WILD BEYOND; signed via Gates Of Hell Records, hailing from the United States of America - performing Black/Thrash Metal, on their debut full-length studio album - "Wild Beyond" (released 14th of April, 2023). Since formation in 2021; the trio in question have only this here debut full-length studio album in their discography so far, 8 tracks ranging around 31:16... WILD BEYOND arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Black/Thrash Metal amalgamations.

Opening up with this blistering barrage frenzy in trailblazing malice; "In The Footsteps Of Mars" ramifies with this bulldozing bombardment in bludgeoning adrenaline and amplified distortion, fabricating a gnarly calamity in rawly rough tonality which stampedes with rollicking grooves amongst a boisterously bouncy conundrum in fierce firepower expertise that thuds out some sturdy yet visceral volatility - tempo wise. This tremolo raising blasphemy belts a clobbering foundation in concretely gritty execution, forging a grindy haste in hostile stridency & malignant strife which swifts with rapidly nimble maelstrom technicality from audible bass/guitarist Jimmy Viola... who also constructs a synthetic keyboard arrangement in hybrid, experimental dynamism that's rather sulphurous.

"Detonation Of Secret Works" injects an infectiously blasphemous element in implementing monolithic slabs of solid yet primitive crescendo building attributes, heralding an extreme aesthetic in rumbling reverberation & razor-sharp instrumental finesse that's vehemently versatile whilst sonically seamless with striking pursuits of vigorous rigor that will unleash this rampantly rompy renegade which ominously strife's with momentous retribution from hammering drummer Evan Madden. Rambunctiously piledriving with slaying smacks & slapping meatiness, this monstrous profanity in bestial brutality chugs, frolics and gallops with weighty tightness amongst a punchline rift that's most deadly... especially in "Frenzied At The Skull".

A vicious velocity within "Arctic Stargate" makes time rev up quickly, as a distinctively distinguished foreboding unearths this jarring masquerade on cordial grumbles from the throaty pipes of Minder Edward Gonet III - who also distils a dexterously dynamic substance on organic, twinning systematics of riffing prowess that's oppressively malevolent whilst snarly yet scouring. Whilst "Sculpting The Abyss" stomps with more snappy mayhem, where salubriously malignant songwriting musicianship wraths with ripping shreds & tenacious tendencies on riveting hooks, as crunchy stability synergises with ruthless pandemonium that's repugnantly savage whilst sinisterly metallised with barbaric but blackened intensity for good measure.

"Antichrist Coronation" fabricates a more vivacious overdose on killer malformations on transgressional rhythms that rampages on with steamrolling rebellion, this profusely robust strum rummages on with repugnant malformations of a firing all cylinder exhilaration and an all guns blazing ferocity that's most relentless. The penultimate banger "Radio Burst Dark Origins" conjures up more dense attributes in stompy, rampaging carnage in which will thrash your head into oblivion... until the overall concluding epic and outro "Exit Wounds" unravels the record with mystifying soundscapes that harnesses a majestically mythical sanguinity to it, in which revolves through with untimely devastation... amongst an ethereal immersivity embedded.

The bottom line here is; WILD BEYOND most surely outdone themselves with their self-titled rager, "Wild Beyond" is an album of enjoyably entertaining calibre and virulent viciousness that will start your busy day off rightly with should you need a fix of some persistently persevering Black/Thrash Metal culminations - do check it out - this record is a radically wicked outburst that's for sure.

7 / 10









"Wild Beyond" Track-listing:

1. In the Footsteps of Mars
2. Detonation of Secret Works
3. Frenzied at the Skull
4. Arctic Stargate
5. Sculpting the Abyss
6. Antichrist Coronation
7. Radio Burst Dark Origins
8. Exit Wounds

Wild Beyond Lineup:

Jimmy Viola - Bass/Guitars/Keyboards
Evan Madden - Drums
Minder Edward Gonet III - Vocals/Guitars

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