Night Time Riders

Wicked Smile

Shut the fuck up and pay attention to the work of this excellent Australian Hard Rock/Heavy Metal act!
February 7, 2024

The main core of passionate debates in the Metal scene is about how things will be when great acts as IRON MAIDEN, AC/DC, METALLICA and others retire. There are endless answers and sides on such discussion, but no one must fear, for experience and age bring to one the insight that things will be as always: the new coexisting with the old without the need to be one or other side. Focus your minds on what you like, and that’s enough. And one fine example that the old ways will be here is on the work of the Australian quintet WICKED SMILE’s new release, the 4-pieces EP “Night Time Riders”. These songs depict as an old genre (classic Hard Rock with some traditional Heavy Metal traits) can sound actual, fresh and alive, it’s just a matter of understanding that we’re not in the 70s or 80s anymore, but to fill the music with a young and rebel energy, and it’s what the quintet precisely does.

It’s really nasty and aggressive, but shaped by a clear melodic sense, with strong and charming choruses and excellent arrangements. It means that their path isn’t new at all, but’s sound fresh and truly good. Dive into it! “Night Time Riders” was produced by Chris Themelco at Monolith Studios, who created a simple and nasty sonority to the band, allowing the songs to have energy, distortion and definition in the due proportions, with organic instrumental tunes modeled with modern technologies. And the artwork for the cover - a work created by Tristan Tait - gives an idea of what the EP unleashes.

It’s not a sin to say that the quintet fuses influences of acts as DIO, JUDAS PRIEST, OZZY OSBOURNE and SKID ROW, but always working with personality. And when dealing with songs as “Night Time Riders” (a massive blow of energy and weight with excellent melodies, a charming chorus and what lovely guitar riffs and solos), “Edge of Madness” (where the band uses some dirty Hard Rock influences, with an abrasive weighty appeal, and what means that bass guitar and drums are sounding heavy and sustaining the weight of the song), “Never Surrender” (this one depicts the combination between weight and melodies in a way similar to Hard Rock acts of the 80s, with excellent vocals and backing vocals strategically set), and “Scream ‘N’ Shout” (wow, such level of energy can destroy VU meters easily, and this one has a mix between influences of the 70s and 80s, with an accessible appeal, but excellent work of all the band), you must be sure of a thing: this quintet is really a strong candidate to be a huge name in a near future.

Yes, it’s not a sin or blasphemy to say that WICKED SMILE is paving their way to become a massive success in the future. All they need is a chance, so stop giving chances to zombies oi Metal that are relying on their past glories, and spin “Night Time Riders” just once, and you’ll be addicted!

Listen to it here:

10 / 10









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"Night Time Riders" Track-listing:
  1. Night Time Riders
  2. Edge of Madness
  3. Never Surrender
  4. Scream ‘N’ Shout
Wicked Smile Lineup:

Danny Cecati - Vocals
Dave Graham - Guitars
Stevie Janevski - Guitars
Tom Nugara - Bass
Alex Rogowski - Drums

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