Upon Judas' Throne
Whore Of Bethlehem
November 17, 2014

WHORE OF BETHLEHEM are a Death Metal band from Austin, Texas, formed in 2009. After a series of lineup changes, the band solidified and released their debut "Upon Judas' Throne" this year. If you are a fan of heavy, no-nonsense Death Metal, then you've come to the right review.
The album's huge guitar tone jumps out at the listener right away on the lurching titular track, as the band chugs through some totally classic-sounding Death Metal riffs, showing these guys definitely have done their homework. Influences that jump out immediately include DEICIDE and IMMOLATION, but there is a hint of Black Metal that manifests itself most prominently on versatile numbers like "Nocturnal," "Leviathan's Crown," and "Castle Of Meth." The band take a fairly conventional lyrical approach, but they don't sound any less sincere for it. The awesomely named "Christ Crusher" is as pulverizingly heavy as its name suggests, with its ferocious, drum-propelled riff stabs and the undeniable menace in the vocals.
The band really hits their mark on nearly all fronts. The instruments are all played expertly, showing a maturity in the variance between tempos, as well as just exhibiting jaw-dropping chops in general. The leads on "Storm Of Plague" and "Hideous Resurrection" are satisfyingly emotive, with the scarcity of such moments throughout the album making them feel like the only small slivers of humanity in an otherwise blackened soul. Some people bemoan the lack of solos in Metal songs, but while they can be exciting, it does a disservice to the music to make leads mandatory. Some songs call for them, some don't, and WHORE OF BEHEMOTH certainly do a good job of writing strong compositions that don't need solos to carry them.
"Upon Judas' Throne" is, plain and simple, a Death Metal fan's Death Metal record. The band manage to keep a healthy old-school sensibility to the record without sounding contrived, like scores of uninspired-sounding, copycat bands. The riffs shatter bones. The drums beat the listener to a pulp. With a great, evil vibe and a number of memorable, mosh-able songs, it's a great record for any fan of Death Metal or extreme Metal in general.
8 / 10

"Upon Judas' Throne" Track-listing:
1. Upon Judas' Throne
2. Hideous Resurrection
3. Christ Crusher
4. The Crowning Moment
5. Nocturnal
6. Storm Of Plague
7. Castle Of Meth
8. Leviathan's Crown
9. Detest The Belief
10. Conjuring Your Death
Whore Of Bethlehem Lineup:
Ryan Sylvie - Guitar, vocals
Rene Martinez - Drums
James VanDenBerg - Vocals
Ellis Smith - Bass, vocals
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