Our Endless War


If you ask a Deathcore fan who to listen to get into that genre there […]
By Emily Coulter
April 12, 2014
Whitechapel - Our Endless War album cover

If you ask a Deathcore fan who to listen to get into that genre there is a 100% chance they will tell you to check out WHITECHAPEL. Being at the top of the Deathcore genre is no easy thing but WHITECHAPEL have made it look easy since their release of ''This Is Exile'' and they've been releasing even better albums since whilst maturing their sound. WHITECHAPEL is a mix of core and death metal with a unique twist added by Phil Bozeman's unique vocals which you need to hear instantly.

Their 5th release ''Our Endless War'' is opened up by simple intro track ''Rise'' which automatically makes you feel tense with its dark ambience and repetitive war drumming but it will not make you prepared for the 2nd track of the album ''Our Endless War''. ''Our Endless War'' is already a preview of how much WHITECHAPEL have matured their sound and added so many new elements to their music, mostly being a heavy dose of Hardcore. The track is easy to get stuck in your head with its super catchy riffs from Ben Savage which make you want to wind milling along to the song for hours, Phil Bozeman's rough and raspy vocals are enticing and just makes you want to scream along with him. ''Our Endless War'' is everything you want to hear from WHITECHAPEL, it's just a perfect Deathcore track, if the rest of the album has a sound like this then it's surely a contender for album of the year, even if it's only been released in April.

WHITECHAPEL keep bringing in the brutality with ''The Saw Is The Law'' which goes even heavier than the previous which you wouldn't even think was possible. Bozeman's vocals are fuelled with hatred and it really speaks to you with lyrics such as ''Our Bodies Full Of Scars, infinite blood to bleed. Our presences stop your heart and leave you six feet deep'' but the song sounds more terrifying with Gabe Crisp's deep bass tones echoing out of your speakers every second sending shivers down your spine. WHITECHAPEL really bring you out your comfort zone with ''The Saw Is The Law'' combining Djent style bass with death metal guitars with a tiny hint of Hardcore to spice it up a bit.

It seems that WHITECHAPEL have taken a massive influence from SUICIDE SILENCE with the guitars in ''Mono'' with it sounding easily like SUICIDE SILENCE's very early sound but WHITECHAPEL pull it off a lot better than them. ''Mono'' has Bozeman really testing how low he can go with his gruesome growls whilst screaming ridiculously fast to the speed of the insane guitars. Despite this, WHITECHAPEL hasn't produced a song as good as the previous two but that is hard enough as it is but ''Mono'' shows that the band haven't lost the sound that they had with ''This Is Exile'' and it's hugely important that they still incorporate that into their songs. ''The Mouth Of Hell Is Open Wide Tonight'' is enough to scare you to death when put together with Phil Bozeman's low growls in ''Let Me Burn'' which actually sound like he has been possessed by the devil. The band show more of their maturity here but with a lot more of a death metal influence being shown, especially with the guitar work of Ben Savage, Alex Wade and Zach Householder producing so uniquely different. Ben Harclecode really gives out his full potential with his drumming with nothing simplistic spotted anywhere with it just being full of everything being hit at random points. Songs like ''Let Me Burn'' are why WHITECHAPEL have critical acclaim of being one of the biggest death core bands in the world.

With distorted noise opening the track followed by deathly growls, ''Worship The Digital Age'' is pure death metal. Down tuned guitars, consistently fast blast beats and barely audible vocals is what makes this track so heavy, it isn't necessarily the best track of the album but it's sure to make you start tapping your feet. ''Our Endless War'' needed a track like this to really make you appreciate how good the rest of the songs are, ''Worship The Digital Age'' is simple death metal which is just what you need after the technicalities of ''Let Me Burn''. But WHITECHAPEL hit back with their original death core sound in ''How Times Have Changed'' with Bozeman's vocals hitting highs and lows a lot faster. All the guitarists take a back seat in the song, nothing really special to be found within the track apart from the mellow build up at 1.53 before going into back to Deathcore but Ben Harclerode really steps up in ''How Times Have Changed'' as his drumming gets a lot more complex and takes the whole band with him. ''How Times Have Changed'' is for the WHITECHAPEL fan who is a lot more mature and wants something a little different.

With a song named called ''Psychopathy'' you just know it's going to be stupidly brutal but nothing prepares you for it, opening up with a simple intro which seems nothing special before Bozeman rips the song apart with his mind blowing vocals, WHITECHAPEL have come back with vengeance in ''Psychopathy'' incorporating their early sound from ''This Is Exile'' but mashing it up with their newer sound which creates something so brutally authentic. All members have their own parts in ''Psychopathy'' which stand out from the rest but Gabe Crisp's under rated bass playing really comes to light when put with Ben Harclerode's mindless double pedal bass, the guitars are even heavier though it's a common Death Metal / Core mix. ''Psychopathy'' is the ultimate Deathcore song. WHITECHAPEL keep bringing the metal in ''Blacked Out'' but turn it down just a notch. Bozeman's vocals are stupidly quick and heavy but it is a challenge when keeping up with the fast drumming of Ben Harclerode which seems to never slow down but keep getting faster in each verse, all 3 guitarists contribute to the dark toned death metal chugging though Alex Wade inserts a much needed solo at 1.39 to give ''Blacked Out'' just what it needed to be a classic death metal track which makes you want to headbang as hard as you can. ''Our Endless War'' takes WHITECHAPEL out of the Deathcore genre and more into the classic death metal part, though some songs like ''Psychopathy'' maybe generic death core it is great that they mix it up with death metal.

Phil Bozeman's vocals are rough and low in ''Diggs Road'' whilst the guitars resemble a melodic Hardcore style with plenty of catchy riffs to be found. ''Diggs Road'' lasts 6 minutes but you wished it would last a lot less, the song is meaningful with it's extremely dark lyrics and good to listen to but it just doesn't have what every other track has to make it so great. Imagine early BRING ME THE HORIZON in its ''Suicide Season'' era but just a little bit heavier. Added to ''Our Endless War'' are two mind blowing tracks which make the album even more perfect, ''A Process So Familiar'' is lyrically the same as ''Diggs Road'' but so much heavier in every way with the chugs of the guitars and deep bass of the drums, the track is extremely aggressive and you really don't want it to end so abruptly. ''A Process So Familiar'' is the sound WHITECHAPEL suit the most out of everything they've tried, a mix of death metal with slight hints of Hardcore influences really suits all there styles. The previous track blends extremely easily into final track ''Fall Of Hypocrites'' that you barely notice the change, the guitars are so much heavier than any other song from the rest of the album and Bozeman's vocals sound alike to those on the earlier WHITECHAPEL albums. ''Our Endless War'' is a perfect representation of maturity from the beginning of a Deathcore band.

WHITECHAPEL really outdid themselves with ''Our Endless War'' combining their maturity with how emotional yet brutal the new lyrics are, Phil Bozeman has gone one step further with his vocals and Alex Wade, Ben Savage, Zach Householder, Gabe Crisp and Ben Harclerode have reinvented their styles of playing also.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Our Endless War" Track-listing:

1. Rise
2. Our Endless War
3. The Saw Is The Law
4. Mono
5. Let Me Burn
6. Worship The Digital Age
7. How Times Have Changed
8. Psychopathy
9. Blacked Out
10. Diggs Road
11. A Process So Familiar
12. Fall Of The Hypocrites

Whitechapel Lineup:

Phil Bozeman - Vocals
Ben Savage - Lead Guitar
Zach Householder - Guitar
Alex Wade - Guitar
Gabe Crisp - Bass
Ben Harclerode - Drums

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