Vorispeil Einer Philosophie Der Zukunft


"Vorspeil Einer Philosophie der Zukunft" is the first debut album from Washington state's one-man Black […]
By H.P. Buttcraft
April 9, 2015
Wende - Vorispeil Einer Philosophie Der Zukunft album cover

"Vorspeil Einer Philosophie der Zukunft" is the first debut album from Washington state's one-man Black Metal band WENDE. This fluently-German young man's album was released four years ago independently but is finding its way back into the light of modern day thanks to Moribund Records. WENDE's latest release "The Third and the Noble" came out in 2012 and has been working on the band's music ever since. Outside of WENDE, Zamiel also provides vocals and guitars for Black Metal native warriors SKINWALKER.

The best part of the opening track "Der Ritter" is its groove-laden and raw-sounding outro guitar riff. It sounds like he at least got that part of the song right. I was not impressed as easily by the rest of the song previous to this movement that begins over eight minutes into the track.

The second track "Verkalarung" is a nauseatingly-long atmospheric track that is synth only over the sound of a light thunderstorm. This track adds nothing to the ambience of the record and is really boring. It doesn't even serve as a proper introduction to the following song. But the untuned electric guitar on "Nichts und Schönheit" spoils what would be a pummelling force of blackened aggression. I think the guitar that was used to record this track was not worthy of the recording and loses its ability to keep the strings in tune throughout the eight minutes of punishment they receive. This is heard exceptionally clearly on the song's guitar solo, which comes in after six minutes after the song begins.

If this is truly your guitar playing style, WENDE, the guitar's intonation must be immaculate. Otherwise you are making a garbage product comprised of crappy instruments. That has never been an edgy motif, at least with music this compositionally complex. I think the equipment available to WENDE drags the album down and it shows on this third track on "Vorspiel Einer Philosophie der Zukunft"

The SNES synthesized woodwinds on "Dasein" translated into English as "...Of Solitude and the Self", while you hear feet crunching snow feels like a song you'd hear at a pier or shipyard during a cold and frosty night when you're looking for a dude who you don't know but has got something he has to show you in the alley behind the loading garage. Take that scenario however you'd like but this song really had that sort of vibe to it.

Track five, "Der Ring des Kosmos", is a jock off of the song "Dunkelheit" by BURZUM. This band, just overall, is jacking the BURZUM image and sound and making a derivative of the older music of Varg Vikernes before his stint in prison for murder. If you are someone like me, who can separate the music of BURZUM from Varg Vikernes than the fragment of that separation can be harnessed into further songwriting in this genre where it is one hundred percent "Do It Yourself" artwork. Multi-instrumentalist Zamiel tries to put together an epic album of large atmospheres and with track lengths stretching out past ten minutes in length; it becomes a taxing journey to be taken down.

I was unimpressed with "Vorispeil Einer Philosophie der Zukunft" as a fan of Black Metal and a fan of Heavy Metal from the Pacific Northwest. I have no idea what urged Moribund Records to rerelease this album from 2011 as there are only small handfuls of valuable song material in this heaping mess that takes far too long to sit through. I felt bored and impatient at parts where I should have felt raw power and dark magical feels. WENDE sure does have a lot more work to do if he ever wants his sound to become as influential as BURZUM or DARKTHRONE's. After being obscured for four years, there is really nothing undiscovered on here that holds any sort of memorable value.

4 / 10

Nothing special

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"Vorispeil Einer Philosophie Der Zukunft" Track-listing:

1. Der Ritter
2. Verklarung
3. Nichts und Schönheit
4. Dasein
5. Der Ring des Kosmos
6. Hercynian

Wende Lineup:

Zamiel - All Instruments, Vocals

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