Consummate Darkness
Weed Priest
November 6, 2017

Halloween, 2017: the end of mankind. I bring you this message from a grim future. This message may already be too late to stop anything (this is my first-time machine, you know, and the conditions for building it weren't exactly ideal. I'm missing an eye and a- oh never mind) DO NOT LISTEN TO WEED PRIEST! Oh, sure the crushing melodies sound enticing, but this irresistible menagerie of devastating riffs and gargling chunky bass will leave your ears bleeding. You'll find that you can't remove the headphones or turn off the music. Your radios will turn white hot and be untouchable once this evil cacophony begins. It will get louder and louder, deafening not only you but your loved ones and neighbors. This catastrophe will spread like a plague, blasting from every single sound-capable apparatus. It won't stop with just your computers and phonographs, no, it will blare out of cellular phones and the mouths of elders!
The heaviness of "Consummate Darkness" will lead to a global emergency as the first track "Witch's Curse" blares on for 8 minutes. The crazed wailing, the loose leads, the swampy bubbling riffs will cause immediate dread in the young and old alike. It feels like an overwhelming tide of undead hands grasping at a hapless victim as the barricade comes tumbling down. There's no escaping the sultry melodies that both ensnare and terrify the listener. The growled vocals deliver cryptic messages that lead to madness!
"Vampyr" is a track that lurches forward unstoppably; the morose composition tramples the will and leads to fevered hallucinations, extreme irritability, and an inexplicable thirst for blood! It may sound like a distorted funerary march played on buzz saws, but that harsh density is more than just a racket that will immediately enthrall fans of crushing Doom Metal. The grooving solos and killer riffs are just too much to resist. It's an evil sonic weapon; these Irish maniacs have somehow uncovered the sacred forbidden sounds of apocalyptic devastation!
As the third song begins to play, the sense of gloom will certainly have overtaken several towns and cities, smaller countries will be on the verge of collapse. The oscillating rhythm that both retains the rumbling thickness typical of many Stoner Doom songs, yet also manages to keep a catchy thumping beat that moves faster than expected. The catchy chorus of "Skydaddy" is further enhanced by several wailing guitar parts and a grungy bass that traps the listener like quicksand. You'll be so caught up in the mystic sounds of rocking dread that you won't have time to notice that the neighbors are eating each other, the sky is raining fire, and the ground is bursting like a lanced boil as it spills blood and malady across the land.
This is when the end begins, the ripping fourth track on the album: "The Mass". A stalking filthy bass opens up this track. If you still have ears, you may be blessed enough to hear it. Certainly by now your eyes have been removed, the cataclysm that destroys the Earth is unstoppable once this ominous tectonic plate-cracking song gets going. This is fourteen minutes of severe skull-popping, nuclear detonation. The guttural cacophony burps forth ancient evil as the pounding drums and crunching strings rip the fabric between this realm and the netherworld apart. This song ebbs and flows from low key to freight train levels of sound before sliding back down to a murkier, groovier, psychedelic coda that fades away like a final breath.
Oh, what a sweet end, to be entranced by a sound so enticing that nothing else matters as the dead arise from their graves, the souls of the damned re-enter the world of mortal man and sever his reign. It may sound bizarre to write a letter of warning from a dying Earth in the not-distant-at-all future but I must ensure the people know, "Consummate Darkness" is a blasting slog of devastation. It's a harbinger of eternal darkness. The gravy-thick riffs, the haggard growls, the banshee wails of solos, and pounding artillery of the burbling bass, it's a gruesome concoction of slimy terror that will eat your brain. I wish it were not so, but I implore you, LISTEN TO WEED PRIEST at your own risk!
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Consummate Darkness" Track-listing:
1. Witch's Curse
2. Vampyr
3. Sky Daddy
4. The Mass
Weed Priest Lineup:
Adamus de Sabbator - Guitar, Vox
K.H. Rhaagulus - Bass
Sean "The Tormentor" Sullivan - Guitar
Migorr – Drums
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