Desecrated Internal Journey

Way To End

If the phrases symphonies of sickness or rape of harmonies could be translated into music, […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
November 30, 2009
Way To End - Desecrated Internal Journey album cover

If the phrases symphonies of sickness or rape of harmonies could be translated into music, I am damn sure that the result would be named Desecrated Internal Journey and it would sound exactly like this album.

WAY TO END is one more band that comes from the pretty interesting French Black Metal scene. This is their first step since their inception in 2006 and I can say that it can be described by the word I said above, interesting.

It is not something good enough to make it be a kickass release, but it definitely has something that makes it differ from many Black Metal shitty records out there. First of all, it is full of dis-harmonic guitars that give the album a totally schizoid atmosphere, the vocals are sick... But that's where the problem is. WAY TO END are full of brilliant ideas but don't seem able to fit them in here and make them sound tight. It is just their debut album though, so I guess this experience will give them wings for their future releases. Their lethal weapon is the almost theatrical presentation of Black Metal, which at some parts will give you the creeps.

Nonetheless Desecrated Internal Journey is a nice album that will accompany you in some dark nights with a glass of wine, whiskey or whatever you want to drink. To some it may be a masterpiece, while to others a not even mediocre release. To me, it's is surely a great first step to a great future!

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Desecrated Internal Journey" Track-listing:

Facing The Abyss
A Step Into The Void
At The Threshold
The Worm
Unconscious Evocation Of A Neverending Search
The Sore Of Creation
No Dreams

Way To End Lineup:

Hazard - Vocals, Guitar
Rust - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Hzxllprkwx - Bass, Backing Vocals
Decay - Drums, Vocals

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