Here For None


When you have been a part of one of the best Melodic Death Metal bands […]
By MetalWim
September 7, 2023
Warmen - Here For None album cover

When you have been a part of one of the best Melodic Death Metal bands on the planet, CHILDREN OF BODOM, and you're not able to voice all your own ideas, you start your own band that comes together when the main attraction is not in operation. That is exactly what their keyboard player Janne „Warman" Wirman did in 2000, when he decided he wanted to get his own music out to the world to be heard, and started WARMEN. And to be frank, the music has been good from the very first start. If I remember correctly, I actually reviewed the first two album.

WARMEN originates from Espoo, Uusimaa in Finland and "Here For None" is their sixth full-length album, and the first one to appear since 2014. It was released on August 18th, 2023 and consists of 36 minutes of high-quality Melodic Death Metal in the vein of early CHILDREN OF BODOM. The biggest difference being that the keyboards are playing a larger role, but for the rest it is rather similar. What I like most is that the Melodic element is very tangible, a proportionally large part of the experience. That doesn't mean that there aren't any proper Death Metal influences coming through. On the contrary, the DM parts are very much there. Just listen to "A World Of Pain",  and you won't be able to deny that WARMEN knows how to go at it full throttle.

The fact that the Wirman brothers are the ones leading this ship along its path makes any lineup changes almost a non-issue. Newly appointed singer Petri Lindroos and drummer Seppo Tarvainen have shown to be able to fit in seamlessly. They are very strong in their tribulations musically and definitely help giving "Here For None" it's very strong sounding appearance. On top of that there is no denying that although the songs are very similar in style, they are varying enough from each other to prevent "Here For None" to sound like a session of repeating songs. On the contrary, during the 36 minutes that I am enjoying listening to WARMEN's efforts on this album, I can't but help wishing to listen to the album time and time again.

WARMEN are surely not breaking any new grounds on "Here For None", but there is no denying the fact that they are reacquainting themselves and us with the fact that they are a very good band, with strong musical songs, good instrumentalists and singer. All this is being proven by the fact that the first nine songs all are outstanding. I just don't care for the cover of "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes", as it doesn't even come close to the quality of the original by ULTRAVOX.

8 / 10









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"Here For None" Track-listing:

1 Warmen Are Here For None
2 The Driving Force
3 A World Of Pain
4 Too Much, Too Late
5 Night Terrors
6 Hell On Four Wheels
7 The End Of The Line
8 Death's On Its Way
9 The Cold Unknown
10 Dancing With Tears In My Eyes

Warmen Lineup:

Janne „Warman" Wirman - Keyboards
Petri Lindroos - Vocals, Guitar
Antti „Warman" Wirman - Guitar
Jyri Helko - Bass
Seppo Tarvainen - Drums

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