With the Old Breed


Old School Thrash Metal that can grind your bones!!!
March 27, 2025

As everyone knows, Germany has a Thrash Metal tradition concomitant with the USA Thrash Metal School, but being a bit more aggressive and sharper than the essential melodic care for acts of USA. And the models laid by KREATOR, SODOM, DESTRUCTION, ASSASSIN, TANKARD, DEATHROW and others echoes on the work of the German trio WARFIELD, as heard clearly on “With the Old Breed”, the trio’s latest full-length. Karsten Aurig (producer, recording) and Phil Hillen (producer, recording, mixing, mastering) worked on studio to help the band to build a sharp and massive sonority that could express their aggressiveness, but being defined and clean. And everything worked on a very good way, having a ‘dry’ approach to boost the understanding. And the artwork of Adam Burke for the cover is really very good, depicting what the band is musically expressing.

It's not a sin to say that full-lengths as “Terrible Certainty”, “Agent Orange” and “Release from Agony” have a deep influence on their music, but some Old School USA Thrash Metal elements can be detected on the mix as well (as the precious melodic care on the instrumental arrangements in some moments, as heard on “Tie the Rope”), in a mix of snarls in a ‘petrozzian’ way, sharp and technical guitar riffs and arrangements, and a massive and heavy work on bass guitar and drums. But pay attention: even using tons of Thrash Metal cliches, the band works with personality on its songs, and what amazing energy is unleashed on their songs!

It's obvious that the trio has a lot to offer and can evolve and create better songs than is shown by now, but “Melting Mass”, “Appetitive Aggression”, “Soul Conqueror”, “Fragmentation”, “Lament of the White Realm”, “Tie the Rope”, “Inhibition Atrophy”, “Dogs for Defense”, “GASP” and “With the Old Breed” are truly great Thrash Metal torpedoes that surely make your neighbors move away from you. And on the vinyl version of the album there’s a bonus track, a killing version of the trio for NUCLEAR ASSAULT’s “F# (Wake Up)”.

“With the Old Breed” seems to be pointing for a bright future for the trio, and by now, it means that WARFIELD is here to rip your ears off and break your necks!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"With the Old Breed" Track-listing:
  1. Melting Mass
  2. Appetitive Aggression
  3. Soul Conqueror
  4. Fragmentation
  5. Lament of the White Realm
  6. Tie the Rope
  7. Inhibition Atrophy
  8. Dogs for Defense
  9. GASP
  10. With the Old Breed
Warfield Lineup:

Johannes Clemens - Vocals, Bass
Matthias Clemens - Guitars
Dominik Marx - Drums

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