Now Cometh The Foul
February 18, 2019

an ingredient of doom woven deep into the mix, makes " Now Cometh The Foul" one of the more interesting releases of the past few months. This outfit out of Wisconsin are only a short two years into their recording career, given that information you realize very quickly that they are already breaking ground and gaining an audience along the way.
From the beginning, the quaking instrumental-"Crustaceans", it becomes clear that these boys mean business. Pounding bass-lines that cross genres to an alternative sound, melodic yet a beast of a track. This leads into the nuclear war recorded in "Tyranians". A monster erupts with every guitar-crank and the noise generated is projected with intricate detail, the talent is displayed behind a barrage of sound.
Shades of influence come to the fore, as WARDEHNS capture shades of influences stylishly within their core. At one point a sound similar to a MOTÖRHEAD jumps directly out at you, pointed to in the album standout "Denim Dogs". It is a track bolstered by a punk-grime thread which runs riot throughout, to coin a new phrase-it is tasteful thrash.
And we come to why I called "Now Cometh The Foul" one of the more interesting releases, the track "Shards of the Time Glass" holds a magic of its own. As it roars and groans like a wounded beast, this six-minute-plus epic then brings an unexpected cello into the mix, it aids overall in giving the sound more depth and certainly brings things into a league of it's own.
"Leech Head" continues with the in your-face-assault, in particular the percussions stands out for the atomic rhythm they are, the bass lines are superb, with both depth and heavily melodic they have an almost hypnotic impact. The bombastic-groove, while remaining simplistic is, a focal-point, something done with enough passion that it becomes a trademark of the band, though not defining them.
While the flow of the album is focused and delivered skillfully, the listener and this reviewer gets the sense that the band has not fully explored what they are capable of, there is more to come from WARDEHNS, they are only on the foothold of the ladder which promises to be a very unique and sonic-filled journey.
8 / 10

"Now Cometh The Foul" Track-listing:
1. Crustacean
2. Tyranian
3. Denim Dogs
4. Gills
5. Shards Of The Time Glass
6. Leech Head
7. Fangs
8. Stench Of The Gnorthe
Wardehns Lineup:
Adam Geurink: Guitar/Vocals
Thomas Sorbet: Drums/Vocals
Brad Beilke: Bass/Vocals
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