The Initial Frontier Pt II


If EMPEROR and ROTTING CHRIST conceived demon offspring then VYRE would certainly fit this description. […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
December 18, 2014
Vyre - The Initial Frontier Pt II album cover

If EMPEROR and ROTTING CHRIST conceived demon offspring then VYRE would certainly fit this description.

VYRE are a Post Avant Garde Metal band hailing from Bielefeld, Germany and already have the first part of their metal journey out there.

I like a complex artistic Metal album as much as the next metal head and VYRE's latest installment to their discography is no exception. This is my first taste of this Post Avant Garde Metal outfit and this album was the ideal introduction.

The opening track "Naughtylus" provided the listener with a great hook leaving longtime fans or new listeners (like me) wanting more from them and wanting to see what the rest of the album consisted of.

This album encompassed many great qualities for instance the cello, the grand orchestral elements and the melodic guitar riffs and solos toning down the aggression which gives the listener a chance to understand what the band is about. This for me is the perfect Metal package.

The tracks that reinforce my opinion is "Naughtylus", "Diabolum Ex Machina" and "Neutronenstern"; these tracks have the right amount of everything as far as my kind of metal track is concerned.

Initially I wasn't going to score it full marks as I was put off by the long durations of each track believing I wouldn't want to listen to something that long. However because there are so many different elements within a single track that the tracks just seemed to fly by yet giving the listener enough time to appreciate the album in all its dark glory.

So overall; an incredibly dark record that I highly recommend.

10 / 10


"The Initial Frontier Pt II" Track-listing:

1. Naughtylus
2. Diabolum Ex Machina
3. RDR 66
4. For Carl
5. Neutronenstern

Vyre Lineup:

Pariah G. - Bass
Hedrykk F. Gausenatt - Guitars
Zyan - Guitars
Cyper D. Rex - Vocals
Android - Drums
Faruk - Keyboards
Nostarion - Cello

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