Abominations Of Time

Von Doom

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: VON DOOM; independently unsigned, hailing […]
By Craig Rider
January 31, 2023
Von Doom - Abominations Of Time album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: VON DOOM; independently unsigned, hailing from the United States of America - performing Metalcore, on their sophomore EP entitled: "Abominations Of Time" (released November 25th, 2015). Since formation in 205 until 2011; reformed again in 2015, the quartet in question have 2 EPs entitled: "Second Sight" (released 2009) & this second release of which I am introduced to: "Abominations Of Time", on top of a demo entitled: "Under The Ashen Empire" (released March 19th. 2011) in their discography so far. 5 tracks ranging around 22:37; VON DOOM arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Metalcore developments.

Opening up with this bulldozing amplify in adrenaline fuelled density; "Wide Awake" elements at a hardcore attribute in belting clobbers that ramify with rampantly rompy thuds on sturdy punchline tightness that's most searing whilst weighty, Jason Hooker on vocals surges with uproarious yells & shouty throatiness - distilling a bleeding guttural as grunty barks that bellow into a heralding shriek of screaming rage. With squealing maliciousness; this transition of boisterously bouncy rampage manifests with monolithic tempo & smacking perseverance from hammering drummer Justin Vaughn, elementing a rambunctious pile drive that stomps out with vicious volatility... implementing a fierce firepower expertise that's most raw whilst primitive. "Condemned" utilizes vehement versatility on sulfurous sound production stability; synergised with wildly rushing snares & scouring robustness that showcases this organic substance on weighty tonality, stridently swifting with rapidly nimble dexterity as Billy Serocki on lead guitar forges a hybrid experimental impact in impulsing but dynamic momentum that's most slaying whilst grinding.

A crunchy aesthetic chugs furiously with maelstrom technicality & frolicking gallops of thumpy calamity; crafting a chunky meltdown on riveting rhythms that stampedes with shredding rips whilst this berserking hostility revs with piercing tremors on quaking ruthlessness, "Ice Stone" portrays this with brute conundrum as a flexible fundamental in an all guns blazing crescendo towers with a firing all cylinder prerogative that's very strong whilst malignantly salubrious on the songwriting musicianship front. Eric Fordney's aggressive bass chops flickers with rumbling reverberating meatiness; as choppy blast beats grooves energetically with motivating furore and a grandiose grandeur in distinctively distinguished pursuits of pounding pummels, amongst a concretely gritty rollick that will make you want to break chairs over other chairs in no time.

The penultimate track on this short yet heavy as hell EP "Tattered Remains"; includes a guest guitar appearance from Angel Vivaldi, virulent engage and more throttling swelters of towering hooks grip a lacerating kick on killer instrumental artillery that will bop heads into a whirlwind vortex of trailblazing slabbiness on solid relentlessness in no time, until the overall concluding banger "Death Is Certain" bludgeons eardrums with more radically maniacal but diabolical wickedness. Bottom line; I am compelled to say that VON DOOM most surely outdone themselves with this one and could potentially see me wanting more Metalcore in my life should they be as good as "Abominations Of Time" was, something to get bodies thrashing to should you be in a state of unmotivating prowess & need this persistent perseverance to get into a local gym or moving at least. Worthy of spinning & replaying a good bunch of times until the next release, of which I look forward to - as an enjoyably entertaining discovery awaits you with this intensely immense experience in Metalcore masterclass workout - do check it out.

8 / 10









"Abominations Of Time" Track-listing:

1. Wide Awake (Featuring Jorna Spaziano)
2. Condemned
3. Ice Stone
4. Tattered Remains (Featuring Angel Vivaldi)
5. Death Is Certain

Von Doom Lineup:

Eric Fordney - Bass
Billy Serocki - Guitars (Lead)
Justin Vaughn - Drums
Jason Hooker - Vocals

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