Border World
VOLCANDRA is a newer band formed in 2018 from Louisville, Kentucky. To date, the band has released one full-length, "Into the Azure," and is now offering up its new EP, "Border World," to be released this coming Friday, June 24, 2022. Read on to discover the many wonders comprising this sophomore effort from the band.
"Tallon IV" begins with a lead line that mirrors the redundant reality of being trapped in a maze. Soon, the rest of the band joins in and a Black Metal romp is underway. Grinding, blasting, and torrentially storming their way through the song, the band is running on all cylinders as it presents its collective vision. An overarching melody introduced in the second half of the song guides the proceedings preventing its inherent combustible nature from exploding.
The EP smoothly transitions to the second track, "Resonance Cascade". An amazingly impressive double-picking riff sets the tone. Plowing along, a SATYRICON vibe is created before that classic Old School Metal riff is revisited. VOLCANDRA knows how to copiously pour the melody on for indulgent moments and it is during these not-so-random serendipities where the band truly shines.
The production serves to bring forth the best aspects of the band. Truly, this is an EP for guitar lovers. The myriad riffs weave in and out of each other eventually becoming briefly intertwined for maximum effect. Thankfully, the bass is not buried in the mix but rather comprises a stout low end, a foundation for the blazing guitar-led fireworks. Locked in with the fortuitous drumming, the bass plods along pumping out hints of the riff at hand yet still retaining its autonomy.
It is hard not to like this short, four-song sample of VOLCANDRA. Any fan of Heavy Metal guitar will naturally gravitate to this. I cannot help but be reminded of ARSIS and though they were rooted more in Death Metal, a similar frantic riff-tornado whirls throughout "Border World". Certainly, the band shows magnanimous promise, and it will be interesting to see how they develop with so many varied influences.
There are parts where the band delves into Prog territory as well as the aforementioned Old School Heavy Metal landscape where they dabble. Their next release will definitely comprise even more triumphant moments of surreal Black Metal dalliances coated with awe-inspiring metallic polish. Becoming lost in "Border World" is unavoidable yet the adventurous Metal listener will revel in its prodigious twists and turns.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Border World" Track-listing:
1. Tallon IV
2. Resonance Cascade
3. Colossi
4. Guardian
Volcandra Lineup:
Dyer Keathley - Bass
Mike Hargrave - Drums
Jamie DeMar - Guitar
River Jordan - Guitar
Dave Palenske - Vocals
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