

The EP is a masterful blend of swirling Progressive elements, sturdy songwriting, and a combination of dark and light skies. The clean vocals might be the best part…they are so soothing and comforting. I very much look forward to hearing more from the band.
March 16, 2025

From Bandcamp, “The final chapter in VOIDCHASER’s conceptual saga, this EP continues the story established in “Solace” and “Odyssey” and takes listeners on a profound journey through despair, memory, trauma, and redemption. Picking up at a pivotal moment for the protagonist—lost in the void of space, isolated, and facing certain death—the narrative unfolds through three intricately composed tracks that explore themes of loss, the fleeting nature of life, survival against impossible odds, betrayal, fragile faith, and the hope of redemption.”

The album has three songs, and “Time” is first. You can hear the band’s high level of musicianship out of the gates, as well as the Progressive twisting of the meter. The clean vocals are very bright, especially when done with harmonies, and they cool down the energy of the song with their smooth tones. Keyboards help to round out the sound, and the entire composition is quite catchy. “Dogma” features members from THE ANCHORET, and it’s darker, heavier and more explosive. Harsh vocals make a mark in this song, and they wrestle with the cleans, amidst many filling background elements. The sax notes after the half-way mark are very sultry as well.

So far, what the band presents is an excellent balance between musicianship and songwriting. The final song, “Trust,” ends the EP, and it’s deeper and angrier, proving that the band has command of both sides of the spectrum. There is also a lot of emotion in this song. I gotta be honest, I need more. The three songs piqued my interest in a way that not many albums have done so far this year. The EP is a masterful blend of swirling Progressive elements, sturdy songwriting, and a combination of dark and light skies. The clean vocals might be the best part…they are so soothing and comforting. I very much look forward to hearing more from the band.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Trust" Track-listing:

1. Time

2. Dogma

3. Trust


Voidchaser Lineup:

Chad Bernatchez – Vocals, Guitar

Jici LG – Bass

Jimmy Montbriand – Lead Guitar

Colin MacAndrew – Drums

Mathieu Fiset – Keyboards


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