Void Wraith

Seattle's reclusive Black Metal ensemble VOID WRAITH is set to release their sophomore album through […]
Void Wraith - II album cover

Seattle's reclusive Black Metal ensemble VOID WRAITH is set to release their sophomore album through Chicago's American Decline Records on May 13th. The thirty-minute follow up to 2019's I - simply titled "II" - was recorded, mixed and mastered by Detto. "It features a bolder, more distinct production, rendering the audio into a more visceral aggressive attack. This quintet strays from atmospheric leanings, focusing their efforts into a more bombastic, riff-driven approach." The album contains six tracks.

"I" leads off the album. It opens with a cold wind blowing gently among some thunder in the background. The main riff is nasty, and bolts of lightning can be seen. Drums roll in pounding, and a wall of guitars ensues. Harrowing vocals come in, not the traditional shrieks, but rather low and resonating. "II" is a bit shorter, but with no less intensity. The dreadful sound is bested only by the frightening elements. Alone in the woods, the forest comes alive around you, and you run, but there is no escape.

"III" features a rougher and more abrasive sound, especially in the guitar work. The vocals and drums thud away like meteors pounding the earth, reigning fire from above. "IV" opens with more cold winds blowing, before the main riff plows through, breaking all barriers in its path. It rolls forward with hate and anger, before ending how it started. "V" is another track of burning hatred. The heavy accents are brutal and punishing. The final track is a nine-minute opus. It opens with a slow groove so the harrowing elements can soak in. As it moves forward, a couple layers are added in, like seasoning to a soup.

Take a good long look at the album cover, for it perhaps sums up the album best. A graveyard appears in the background, somewhat washed away by the skeleton who rose from the grave. All the while, shadowy wraith figures flank him, torturing his soul. If this doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.

7 / 10









"II" Track-listing:

1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI

Void Wraith Lineup:


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