

it is a case of enjoying every sound, every sound and all the Power and Heavy Metal that “Jurupary” has in store for us. And yes, the Pony Metal does pop up from time to time, but only when appropriate. But is has to be said, the mix used by VOCIFER throughout these songs is almost mesmerising.
November 22, 2023


A very popular saying is that you can only get one first impression, and you should make it count. Well, I was hoping for a very positive one by Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil band VOCIFER on their sophomore album “Jurupary”.  Originally this album was released independently by the band themselves, but it was picked up by Greek record company ALONE RECORDS, who will be releasing this on CD and vinyl at the end of 2023. And I feel they have done the right thing when I listen to the music that VOCIFER is offering on “Jurupary”. Having never heard their debut album “Biouna” from 2020, this is a first encounter for me.


So, back to that first impression. The intro “And Then…” is intriguing and interesting, but is followed by for me the two least songs of the album. “The Voice of the Light” and “Bridge to the Stars” are almost German in sound, too much jumpy Pony Metal and STRATOVARIUS for my taste. Thankfully that changes a little bit on “Vanity in Disguise”, when the proper sort of Power Metal rears it’s beautiful head. The following Power Ballad “Rain of Doubts” is when the band finally turns the right way in full. What a brilliant song.


After that one it is a case of enjoying every sound, every sound and all the Power and Heavy Metal that “Jurupary” has in store for us. And yes, the Pony Metal does pop up from time to time, but only when appropriate. But is has to be said, the mix used by VOCIFER throughout these songs is almost mesmerising. After a while it captures your heart, it then hits you where it hurts in the best way possible and makes you realise that you are starting to enjoy the music expansively as time goes on. That is one thing I will give VOCIFER, they do know how to write jewels of songs, that grow on you through time, like diamonds do.


It is therefore so unfortunate that at least for me VOCIFER have chosen the wrong order of the songs on “Jurupary”. If the first two songs would have been mixed into the album somewhere in between the others, I don’t think I would have minded. Now it’s just an ear sore. But hey, at least you have another nine beautiful songs to make you happy. That still counts for some 39 minutes of relative bliss.


7 / 10









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"Jurupary" Track-listing:


1. And Then...

2. The Voice of the Light

3. Bridge to the Stars

4. Vanity in Disguise

5. Rain of Doubts

6. Wings of Hope

7. Pleasure Paradise

8. I Am

9. We Are

10. Life

11. To Be Alive


Vocifer Lineup:


João Noleto – vocals

Pedro Scheid – guitar

Gustavo Oliveira – guitar

Lucas Lago – bass

Alex Christopher - drums


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