Cast Away

Visions Of Atlantis

Visions Of Atlantis wish to become the new Nightwish but wishful thinking is not always […]
By Michael Dalakos
April 30, 2005
Visions Of Atlantis - Cast Away album cover

Visions Of Atlantis wish to become the new Nightwish but wishful thinking is not always enough. I'm one of those who saw the band's video for the song Lost and thought damn! This is kinda cool. Unfortunately the term cool can't be attached in the rest of this mediocre release.
Visions Of Atlantis is an Austrian act and Cast Away is the second album they release, they have also released back in 2000 their debut Eternal Endless Infinity (now, here's an easy to remember title). Their new album is released by Napalm Records, a label that seems to sign every band having a women behind the microphone.
Since I have already mention Nightwish in the inspiration list of the band I am pretty sure you have figured out pretty much by now the band's orientation. Symphonic melodic metal, trying to be modern at times with the use of two vocalists (they guy handles the vocals is simply terrible) but fails miserably in almost every aspect. Apart couple of good moments like Send Me A Light and of course Lost the rest of the songs can be described (and trying to sound nice here) as tolerable. Of course there are a couple of moments that made me want to puke (try to listen Realms Of Fantasy and lets talk again) but I manage to maintain my calm.
As far as I know nobody is buying albums with only a couple of good songs. Visions Of Atlantis have some good ideas but there are certain things need to be done before they convince me listening their next album (one of them: get rid the vocalist ASAP).

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Cast Away" Track-listing:

Send Me A Light
Cast Away
Realm Of Fantasy
Pharaoh Repentance
State Of Suspense
Last Shut Of Your Eyes

Visions Of Atlantis Lineup:

Nicole Bogner - Vocals
Mario Plank - Vocals
Miro Holly - Synthesizer
Werner Fiedler - Guitars
Mike Koren - Bass
Thomas Caser - Drums

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