The Perfect Machine

Vision Divine

Vision Divine's latest album is called The Perfect Machine. The band is the 'brainchild' of […]
By Grigoris Chronis
September 10, 2005
Vision Divine - The Perfect Machine album cover

Vision Divine's latest album is called The Perfect Machine. The band is the 'brainchild' of Labyrinth's axeman Olaf Thorsen. It is their fourth release, with prior albums being Vision Divine (1999), Send Me An Angel (2002), Stream Of Consciousness (2004) plus the Stage Of Consciousness DVD (2005). They once featured the talented voice of Athena/Rhapsody frontman Fabio Leone and - in their early stage - were nothing more than a clone of Labyrinth (in terms of music style).
The Perfect Machine (out on Scarlet Records) is a concept album. As far as I can find out, it deals with the evolution of the human race at the 'ideal' time that DNA is complete 'decoded' and immortalisation  is now a fact. Religious questions/doubts are coming in mind, while further extends for the meaning of life do raise in the meantime; a rather 'smart' approach of a Sci-Fi concept, the lyrical concept - and the tunes' basis that ties up really well with the lyrics - is rather interesting.
As for the music and the players: the level of quality is good, in general. The familiar (for many Italian bands) mix of European 90s Power Metal and petite 'prog' elements ids the album's musical ID. Imagine a mix of Labyrinth, Threshold and Royal Hunt and you got the idea. Luppi's vocal performance is excellent, passionate and rather narrative (some of LaBrie's basics come in mind at times). The rest of the team is in good shape as well, with the tracks' sequence rather well-placed. The production is handled by Stratovarius' mainman Timmo Tolki and is set in high standards.
Rather melodic and essential to be listened at once, The Perfect Machine is 'applicable' for everyone who knows what exactly should be expected from a band like this. Nothing more, nothing less.

7 / 10


"The Perfect Machine" Track-listing:

The Perfect Machine
First Day Of A Never-ending Day
The Ancestor's Blood
Land Of Fear
God Is Dead
Rising Sun
Here In 6048
The River
Now That You've Gone

Vision Divine Lineup:

Olaf Thorsen - Guitars
Cristiano Bertocchi - Bass
Alessio Tom Lucatti - Keyboards
Michele Luppi - Vocals
Federico Puleri - Guitars
Ricky Quagliato - Drums

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