

The saddest thing on reviewing new albums from favorite bands is when they're releasing a […]
By Nikos Makropoulos
November 28, 2011
Vile - Metamorphosis album cover

The saddest thing on reviewing new albums from favorite bands is when they're releasing a thing like this one and keeping on disappointing you for one more time in a row. The even saddest thing is when these certain bands attempting to sound and play stuff borrowed and stuck together only to call themselves ''open-minded'' and think that they have achieved a certain evolution and progress through their music trying to convince us they're right. But for their information some of us still got open ears and real open minds to see that their awkward material smells like hell from miles away.

On their fourth album VILE are still trying to prove that they could sound and play a kind of technical Death Metal in the vein of DECREPIT BIRTH and SPAWN OF POSSESSION but their attempt seems so futile like a cat in water. The songs bear pointless harmonics on the guitars, some brutal growls along with operatic vocals, who would have thought. There is no meaning and target to the tracks that are so boring that made me listen DEPOPULATE, to get over with such boredom. I strongly dare Brutal Death Metal fans to check it out just to see how a former decent band became a shadow of itself. Such a pity for them.

3 / 10


"Metamorphosis" Track-listing:

1. March Towards The Dawn
2. The Revealing
3. What Lies Beyond
4. Rise
5. I Am Alive
6. Wolf At Your Door
7. I Am Become Death
8. Shadow Work
9. Prophetic Betrayal
10. As One
11. Redemption 

Vile Lineup:

Colin Davis- Guitars, Bass
Mike Hrubovcak - Vocals
Tyson Jupin - Drums

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