

If you want a new experience into Finnish Fol Metal, this release is for you!
June 14, 2024

As the Finnish Metal became strong during the second half of the 90s on, it’s not a coincidence that Folk Metal acts as KORPIKLAANI and FINNTROLL reached commercial praise even singing on Finnish language (and derivatives of it). The barriers of language became less important than music itself, and a whole entire way of playing Metal was allowed to exist and to be spread throughout the world. And some younger acts tried and are trying the same, and one good name from Finland on such trench is VERIPALKA, here with their new full-length, “Tuomio”. Mixed and mastered at Studio57 by Pasi Kauppinen (the bassist of SONATA ARCTICA), things work out defined and clean (so the understanding of what is musically expressed is easy for anyone), but the band has an aggressive insight as well, so the level of distortion is high as well. It can be said as a fine combination of both aspects, enriched by a fine artwork.

The band’s music in reality is not into a purely Finnish Folk Metal trend, because their work sounds influenced a lot by Finnish Melodic Death Metal. Think of a Folk Metal version of CHILDREN OF BODOM and the readers can understand the meaning of such words full of rich keyboard contrasting with charming melodies weaved by the guitar under a solid e coherent rhythmic conduction done bass guitar and drums, and sharp screaming vocals. The best way is to hear and enjoy to understand what they’re offering, and it’s truly very good.

“Arvon Tuomari” (a purê Finnish Melodic Death Metal song with some traces of Folk Metal, with excellent keyboards parts and melodies), “Laulava Vainaja” (the melancholic appeal on this one is excellent, but some traces of Thrash Metal can be heard as well, with excellent guitar riffs, leads and arrangements), “Sammalsynti” (this one is nearer of the traditional Finnish Folk Metal, and it’s really easy to slamdance with it), “Tuhkakruunu” (again, a song nearer Melodic Death Metal, but with a simple technical appeal), “Tulimerten Taa” (excellent melodies from keyboards and guitars, allowing the snarls of the vocals to be expressive), “Maat Hauraan Hautaa” (wow, what lovely melodic hooks with such Power Metal approach on their own music), “Veritonttu”, and “Tuomio” are the better ones for a first visit on the band’s work. But those who already VERIKALPA’s music will love all the songs.

Applause for “Tuomio”, and VERIKALPA’s music is truly excellent. What are you waiting for? Go for it!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Tuomio" Track-listing:
  1. Arvon Tuomari
  2. Laulava Vainaja
  3. Noijan Sauna
  4. Sammalsynti
  5. Tuhkakruunu
  6. Tulimerten Taa
  7. Hakkaa Hakkaa
  8. Maat Hauraan Hautaa
  9. Eksyneet
  10. Veritonttu
  11. Kaunan Valta
  12. Tuomio
Verikalpa Lineup:

Jani Ikonen - Vocals
Jussi Heikkilä - Guitars
Sami Ikonen - Guitars
Jussi Sauvola - Keyboards
Sami Knuutinen - Bass
Jari Huttunen - Drums

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