Soul Collector


VENGEANCE needs no further introduction. The Dutch champions of happy Hard Rock have just released […]
By Hans van Pruissen
April 27, 2009
Vengeance - Soul Collector album cover

VENGEANCE needs no further introduction. The Dutch champions of happy Hard Rock have just released the successor of their comeback album Back In The Ring, with a half new line up. Guitarist Lenn Ruygrok originally took the place that was left by Peter Bourbon, but for this release Jan Somers invited his 16-year-old son Timo to join the band as their second guitar player while drummer Erik Stout replaced Hans In 't Zandt.

Most compositions are written by producer Michael Voss, who again managed to make the album sound as it should.  Only one track is co-written by Leon Goewie and Jan Somers (Dance) while former band member Arjen Lucassen contributed a song to this album called Samurai, a clear referral to the band's most appreciated album Arabia.

The fact that Michael Voss is the main songwriter for the band at this moment makes them dependant of his songwriting skills. The majority of the songs sound OK but I still miss that certain something that made VENGEANCE the band they once were. Voss is no Lucassen or Verschuren and musically it still seems that the band is searching for a new identity. Some songs are less fitting to the band in my opinion, leaning a bit too much against other bands like KROKUS and AC/DC. Myspace Freak sounds a little simplistic, but I Never Felt That Way Before is a wonderful song. It has a more American Hard Rock touch and I quite like that.

Hopefully VENGEANCE manages to keep up an acceptable level in playing live, because the last three shows that I witnessed were not that good. Nevertheless, with new material coming along, they can manage to outgrow their legendary status. The good old days of 20 years ago won't come back, and they should aim for the future with new material. Because of the recent departure of Barend Courbois as their bass player, VENGEANCE welcomed Emile Marcelis into their ranks, also bass player in the Dutch IRON MAIDEN cover band SOMEWHERE ON STAGE. I wish them well!

7 / 10


"Soul Collector" Track-listing:

Cross In The Rain
Wait Until The Sun Goes Down
Soul Collector
What The Hell Is Going On
Myspace Freak
I Never Felt That Way Before
Dance Dance Dance
Rock And Roll Band
 So Many Times
Lean On Me

Vengeance Lineup:

Leon Goewie - Vocals
Barend Courbois - Bass Guitar
Jan Somers - Guitar
Timo Somers - Guitar
Erik Stout - Drums

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