Purgatori Ignis Iudicium


VELKA is a Spanish black metal band who formed in 2020. "Purgatori Ignis Iudicium," is […]
Velka - Purgatori Ignis Iudicium album cover

VELKA is a Spanish black metal band who formed in 2020. "Purgatori Ignis Iudicium," is their full length debut; a demo was released in 2020. I love riff based black metal and "Purgatori Ignis Iudicium" certainly fits into that category. There isn't any epic keyboard passages, folk interludes or fancy bells and whistles. This is a straight up hell ripping black metal album and a damn well written one too. With seven tracks and a run time of nearly an hour, this album is long but fortunately stays engaging the whole time. The intensity never really lets up—-this album is a hellish ride and every track is a barn burner.

The production and mix is solid too. While definitely not over produced, it does have a loud and clear sound—-perfect for bringing out those riffs! "Eternal Hate Awakens,"  is a full stop opener with infectious energy. The drums batter the senses, the guitars are a solid sheet of black metal and by the vocals go from low to highs in an instant. From one riff to the next, the song blisters its way through.  Each moment lasts just long enough to be not be repetitive but is focused enough to not be spastic.

"Inner Chaos Unleashed" is a blur of rhythmic speed and purpose but the song opens when things slow down here and there, allowing the riffs to breathe and change form. Around the six minute mark, the gears switch to a slower pace with thick riffs, a touch of melancholy and depraved vocals I actually find the band at their best when they use slower tempos and pacing—brings out the dynamics and natural atmosphere. "Lake Of Forgetfulness" is a prime example of this. The drums drift along the riffs, highlighting the slow burning groove of the riffs and bass. Speedier parts are injected throughout the song, the band avoiding the song from being trapped in its own sound. After the six minute mark,  the song returns to dimmer waters and finishes it out with dark melodic riffs.

The last track, "Ascension Through Fire" is an incredible ending. Around the 2:38 mark, the music briefly goes clean with somber tones as a groove joins in seconds later. From this melding, a surprisingly dramatic solo births but grows faster as the rhythm speeds up. Thrashy riffs push the song into a massive riff fest from which the song and album finishes with. VELKA's "Purgatori Ignis Iudicium," is a high octane black metal album with a ton of great riffs, well composed songs, and fiery energy.

8 / 10









"Purgatori Ignis Iudicium" Track-listing:

1. Eternal Hate Awakens
2. Freezing Hell Isolation
3. Inner Chaos Unleashed
4. Ancient Pain Exposed
5. The Imposed Punishment
6. Lake of Forgetfulness
7. Ascension Through Fire

Velka Lineup:


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