
From Bandcamp, "The lure of the highway is primal. Composed though it may be of modern material traversed by contemporary machinery, the road into the unknown predates the motorway by centuries. What lies beyond its horizon? A carnal encounter? Death? The self-titled debut LP by VELDUNE exists in the hallucinogenic blur of a heat haze just above a strip of concrete that may lead to either." The album contains eight songs.
"The Night is for Dreamers" is the first song. It's mellow music with smooth female vocals. The song has some Pop qualities but ultimately is probably a bit too psychedelic to make the radio waves. "Willow Sways" is another psychedelic offering, beginning with thick bass notes and some light leads overtop. I picture the singer wrapped in a head covering of sticks and leaves, with a long flowing gown of organic colors, singing softly to the birds in the forest. "This Time Around" has a little more energy, with a darker sound. The vocalist is coming out of her trance and has a few things to say about the world.
"Chasing Down the Sun" continues with the road theme, as she opens the lyrics with "my heart is drifting down the highway." The song has just a bit more positive qualities in the music, but the lyrics are desolate. "The Road Ahead" seems almost a continuation of the previous song. At this point in the album, one should hear a clear identity. All I hear however is that marked sound of depression. "A Glimpse of Being" is the sixth mellow song with pensive lyrics on the album. The song does a pick-up of energy after the half-way mark towards the end. "Yearling Thunder" features a more linear and jovial sound. The band have finally figured out how to lessen some of the longing qualities and made a more impactful song.
"The Final Blow" closes the album. It's another strong song, and the album seems to have improved along the way. Unfortunately, it's just a bit late for that. This type of minimalist sound has been done before, by a slew of late 60's and early 70's bands. The album is mired in depressive qualities and even some psychedelic elements, but in the end, doesn't really give the listener much to get excited about.
5 / 10

"Veldune" Track-listing:
1. The Night is for Dreamers
2. Willow Sways
3. This Time Around
4. Chasing Down the Sun
5. The Road Ahead
6. A Glimpse of Being
7. Yearling Thunder
8. The Final Bow
Veldune Lineup:
Jamie Myers - Vocals
Kevin Hufnagel - Guitar/Synth
Johnny DeBlase - Bass
Jeff Eber - Drums
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