In Shovel We Trust


V-ANGER is an Italian band that was formed in 2006. They are back with their […]
By Jessica Pearman
January 6, 2015
V-Anger - In Shovel We Trust album cover

V-ANGER is an Italian band that was formed in 2006. They are back with their latest full length release "In Shovel We Trust" released in November of 2014. They are influenced by bands such as HATEBREED, SLAYER, EXODUS, NAPALM DEATH, and early SEPULTURA. These guys are pure old school Thrash mixed with some Deathcore and Hardcore Metal. "In Shovel We Trust" is said to be "pure, undiluted, incendiary blend of Metal aggression." The album comes in with 13 tracks with a listening time of 42 minutes full of Metal aggression.

First thing I noticed is the vocals sound a bit like SOILWORK's Björn Strid. Being a fan of SOILWORK, old and new, I instantly liked the vibe of the vocals. However, unlike SOILWORK, V-ANGER has a Thrashy Deathcore sound. The riffs are heavy and keep the music grounded. The drums are mediocre in comparison to the guitars and bass. They aren't bad, just a little sluggish like in "First Angel". Then they are completely on par in the track right after "Biotech is Godzilla" the SEPULTURA cover. I'm not sure if this has something to do with it being a cover or not.

The bass is glorious for the entirety of the album. V-ANGER just lets the bass rip through every track. Some tracks like "Slaughterhouse" and "First Angel" show case super low guitars that complement the bass work. The bass and guitar work really pulls "In Shovel We Trust" together. It almost sounds like the drums are background, except for the intros which mostly come in hard with drums. "Hate For All" is an example that keeps the drums more heavy and heard. This track also shows bass love, but I think this is a bass loving album.

"In Shovel We Trust" is a decent album. I feel like most of the tracks sound too similar to call this a really creative endeavor, but there is some really great music here. The guitar riffs and the few mini-solos are really good throughout. The bass is almost prefect. The vocals have a wide range and are complimentary to the rest of the album. I could have done without the backing vocals, but then some of the Thrash would be removed taking away from the genre. So, you can decide on those. The drums are decent. I think either they were such background music that they were being held back or they weren't loud enough with the growling bass and guitars, but they need some work, whether its production or musician. Some tracks were great, while others seriously lacked in drum play.

7 / 10


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"In Shovel We Trust" Track-listing:

1. Revenge
2. No More
3. About World
4. Mad for Hate
5. Soldiers of Pain
6. First Angel
7. Biotech is Godzilla (Sepultura cover)
8. Slaughterhouse
9. This is my Life
10. My Land
11. Dead Man Walking
12. Hate for All
13. V-Anger

V-Anger Lineup:

Alex "Domino" Dominizi - Vocals
Max Maestrelli - Guitar
Danilo Cordaro - Bass
Marc Sarina - Drums

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