Glorification of Satanas (Reissue)
Unhuman Disease
January 20, 2021

Since 2003, the legendary Native American Black metalist Nocturnus Dominus and his project UNHUMAN DISEASE have been considered foundational components of black metal tradition. Seizing the spirit, ferocity, and purity of nineties Norwegian Black Metal, this band somehow manages never to stray far from their origins. Deeply rooted in American metal, UNHUMAN DISEASE is a band for both metal elites and noobs just getting familiar with the genre.
UNHUMAN DISEASE has certainly solidified a much-deserved seat at the table of black metal purists with their impressive catalog of music. The band's sixth album, initially released in 2013, has at long last received a much-deserved and long-awaited re-issue. Adorned with an all-new cover, the album marks the first in an upcoming line of re-issues slated to be released in 2021 by Moribund Records. Unhuman Disease's albums "Into Satan's Kingdom" and "Black Creations of Satan," both originally released in 2009, are on the list of albums scheduled for re-release.
According to Moribund Records sources, UNHUMAN DISEASE will also release a new studio album, "And The Ritual Fire Still Burns," on March 19th, 2021, making the re-issue of "Glorification of Satanas" a perfect precursor to the highly awaited new offering. UNHUMAN DISEASE never fails to deliver the irreverent attack on the soul that one expects from true black metal musicianship.
The album's opener, "Glorifier of Satan," is an immediate assault on the senses, opening hard and leaving little doubt that classic black metal runs through this artist's cold blood. Drums blast, like double-barrelled shotguns, as raspy vocals rip through heavy, hard-charging guitar riffs. The low, growling vocals resonate from underneath a chugging bassline, making it difficult not to get transfixed on this first track's ever-present bass groove.
One of the more diverse and divisive numbers on the album is the second track, titled "Unto the Father a Sacrifice." The industrial metal influences are hard to ignore and even easier to embrace. Genre jumping can be a disaster if not executed correctly, and with a flawlessly layered wall of sound, this trance-inducing gallop track achieves a perfectly blended mix of influences.
The third track, "Thy Infernal Pact," offers the listener an invitation to reprieve with its haunting melody and slower, more emotional approach to evil. With guitar riffs conveying a sense of desolation and drums putting forth a sense of isolation, the artist's attempts to take us into the netherworld of darkness are successful. Never one to linger on one emotion too long, Nocturnus Dominus easily tempts the listener into the next song, "Devilworshipping Black Metal," with vocals that can only be described as raw and wicked.
"Diabolic Holocaust," the seventh track, is among the longer offerings on the album, but it does not lack in ass-kicking punch. Threaded with angst and bloodlust, the droning guitar and explosive drums are aggressive and assertive without ever becoming long-winded. The vocals tear through this track while the drums work a unique and precisely placed high-hat opening up another layer to this artist's abilities.
A favorite for this reviewer is "Horde of the Goat," a song very reminiscent of the first track. Blending a multitude of genre influences and boasting a sick groove that, at times, carries with it a sense of classic punk undertones. This track is a perfect example of UNHUMAN DISEASE's broad range of musical abilities and influences.
Adding the perfect close to a musical masterpiece is "The Serpent's Eyes," an impactful and unforgettable surge of a demonic force that stands as the definitive conclusion to "Glorification of Satanas." Ending on a song rich in Norwegian Black Metal's purity, this album is as intense as it is complex.
Moribund Records has unleashed a fury of stellar tracks sure to give every black metal aficionado a taste of the good stuff, proving without a doubt that some albums have no shelf life. It's easy to see why UNHUMAN DISEASE is an artist that has and will stand the test of time.
10 / 10

"Glorification of Satanas (Reissue)" Track-listing:
1. Glorifier of Satanas
2. Unto the Father a Sacrifice
3. Thy Infernal Pact
4. Devilworshipping Black Metal
5. Beyond the Flames of His Kingdom
6. Destruction of Holy Lands
7. Diabolic Holocaust
8. Horde of the Goat
9. Black Cold Hate
10. Under Satan's Command
11. The Serpent's Eyes (Bonus Track)
Unhuman Disease Lineup:
Nocturnus Dominus - Sole Member
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