June 21, 2022
What do you get if you cross GAMMA RAY's power riffs and drum beats with EISBRECHER's vocals? (at least that's what you get from the first 2 opening tracks of "Sinnkrise") Ok you got it, this is a Made in Germany product. I'm afraid this genre will be only understood by the local crowd and not just because of the lyrics. It's a product of the German rock&roll (to be seen as hard rock meets punk) scene and UNHERZ are totally a part of this movement.
"Finde dein Flügel" (Find Your Wings) is not necessarily an original song, but it's one of the best ones, if not the best, on this release. Will get you thinking of BöHSE ONKELZ, but it actually delivers what the title suggests: the main riff gives your mind wings to wonder. The title track is sort of a ballad, unfortunately not very inspired. The limited vocal range is also not of any help. And another one.. and another one... Guess this is how UNHERZ want to mark the middle of the record. "Gib nie auf" (Don't ever quit) brings us on the level again, but lacks shine or polish. "Gewinner die immer nur verlieren" (Winners that always lose) starts off promising, and will get you jumping, but sporting immature lyrics (in general) like "Unherz are German rock&roll" cast a shadow over the song. This will mark maybe the second best attempt of this release.
Just as we got pumped up a bit, we get hit by the killjoy "Es ist an der Zeit" (It's time). A chanson type of song that our grandparent's were used after the war. It's a cover of Hannes Wader. Rollercoaster goes up again for the last two songs of this album. And so the curtain falls with "Der letzte Vorhang" (The last curtain). A standard approach since the 80's in German hard rock. The punk coating isn't missing but doesn't offer any extra charm to this recording. Unfortunately just another record out there, that might have had a different fate with a better studio production.
Sounds more like a demo, but everyone has to start somewhere right? Wrong, cause this is the band's 9th album! Hope some of you will find the patience to go through this record, as this is a very targeted release for a certain Germanic fan base. Give it a spin but it won't spin you!
5 / 10
"Sinnkrise" Track-listing:
1. Löwenherz
2. Steck den Kopf nicht in den Sand
3. Ich falle
4. Finde deine Flügel
5. Sinnkrise
6. Als gäbe es kein Morgen
7. Auch Engel können fallen
8. Gib nie auf
9. Gewinner die immer nur verlieren
10. Es ist an der Zeit
11. Ich lebe
12. Der letze Vorhang
Unherz Lineup:
Felix Orschel - Guitar, Vocals
Andy Arnold - Guitar
Benny Daniel - Bass
Christian "Bogi" Bogert - Drums
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