Arisen Upon Oblivion
Unfathomed Of Abyss
February 16, 2015

In every movie I watched, game I've played or book I have read, nothing good comes out of the combination of the words "Abyss" and "preparing for 14 years". That is, unless it's UNFATHOMED OF ABYSS' "Arisen Upon Oblivion"; a black metal project started by Kevin Price which has taken him 14 years to perfect after forming the band back in 2001.
Price's dedication to his art is evident from the beginning. Each track is remarkably tight in spite of having many different elements swirling around at once. The discordant guitar work is backed by a choir-like chant while Kevin Talley, an extremely talented drummer, provides the shattering beats. The main focus of the album is instrumental but there is no ignoring the eerie, nearly indecipherable lyrics of Price's unearthly screams and growls.
Each of the six tracks on the album are long and diverse, with the first track: "To Unequal the Balance of the Cosmos" being nearly fifteen minutes long. "Arisen Upon Oblivion" gives you the feeling of wandering lost through dark, desolate places, going mad from the endless journey. Price has said that he wanted to "paint a picture" of "humanity's place in the universe" and highlight the fact that we wander through life surrounded by non-living matter and looking for our places among it. I firmly believe that the album was created by Price to see if he can make the listener insane through nothing but the power of music. "Arisen Upon Oblivion" is a dark, vast journey that takes everything you know and love about Black metal and drags it screaming through unfamiliar terrain.
I can't even imagine the amount of hard work and patience Price must have had while creating UNFATHOMED OF ABYSS, but I really hope to hear more from him in the future. "Arisen Upon Oblivion" is unabashedly recommended for your next Elder God birthday party or event!
10 / 10

"Arisen Upon Oblivion" Track-listing:
1. To Unequal the Balance of the Cosmos
2. The Figment Undulated
3. Withing the Glory of Other Lights
4. To Nothing
5. Within the Void
6. The Malevolence of Existence's Continuation
Unfathomed Of Abyss Lineup:
Kevin Price - Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Kevin Talley - Drums
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