False Prophecies


This album is a mystery. As much as I tried to find more details about […]
By Moti Rokah
May 3, 2015
Undead - False Prophecies album cover

This album is a mystery. As much as I tried to find more details about the band members, past projects and whatnot, I slowly realized I would find none of it. The only thing you understand is that they are by their own words "the death" and this is not the grim reaper we are talking about, but the godfather of Death Metal Chuck revived?

The album consists of 8 powerful old school tracks with vocals that are much UNLEASHED in their presence and tune. Everything in the album gives you the DEATH band feel from the early albums like "Leprosy" and "Spiritual Healing"; the sound, the melodies, the drums, and in many parts are almost the same to songs we know by heart since we were kids.

I do recommend the young generation that doesn't know DEATH to listen to this album and enjoy it just for the sake of keeping the fire of old school burning; on the same side of the coin I will recommend to go and listen to the real band, who wrote most of the riffs and melodies on this album.

The songs are past influence; they are more taken and changed to make a new one. There wasn't one song I didn't connect to another song I know from DEATH, but still I have to say it is a very good album that if you get pass the "what the hell?"-factor. You can enjoy it from start to end... if you get pass the weird feeling to listen to DEATH without.. DEATH.

I wish they were more original in the writing of their material because it does sound like a monster truck heading your way, I will wait for what's next on their agenda and I do pray to find out some old DEATH members are part of this project.

5 / 10


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"False Prophecies" Track-listing:

1. Unborn
2. False Prophecies
3. Voices Within
4. Praise the Absurd
5. Castrate Humanity
6. Descending Souls
7. Unbound to Eternity
8. Emerging from the Depths

Undead Lineup:

Necros - Guitars

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