Archaic Dance of the Winds

U Kronakh

This was an excellent album. It has enough aggressiveness for those who like that pinch, enough tones of Doom for those who like that downtrodden feeling, and enough melody for those who don’t like their Death Metal served bland.
March 19, 2025

From their EPK, “In 2020, Artem "Voidger" founded the band as a studio one-man band project in the genres of atmospheric black metal and death metal. The musical concept of the band has remained consistent across three albums: a harmonious blend of atmospheric black metal, death metal, and lyrics predominantly dedicated to the raw mysticism of the Carpathian Mountains and events of ancient times. Like its predecessors, “The Archaic Dance of Winds” continued the experiment of blending genres, becoming a fusion that disregarded any "rules" or "genre markers," as the author believes creativity exists precisely for such freedom. The updated sound and new musical accents added a unique charm to the band's work.”

The album has five songs, and “Black Mountain” is first, and a solemn melody is what I notice first, followed by an amalgam of sturdy Black, Death, and Doom Metal. Melody is stirred into the dark stew as well, and it’s just enough to season the song. “The River Named Opir” is next, and it’s a slow, powerful grind of low riffs and pure might. This song sounds more in the realm of Melodic Death Metal, but the genre blending is indeed on par, as evidenced by the shift to clean tones at times. “Into Lightless, Uncharted Depths” is another song that smartly twists a few different sub-genres of Metal. The leads hint at Melo-Death, some of the riffs hint at Doom, and the harsh vocals are as Death as it gets. So far, the songs are heavy and aggressive, but balanced with some melody.

“Night Visions Fade” has deadly vocals…the kind that cover you from head to toe when you listen to them, and you are unable to easily wash them clean after. There are also some dreadfully solemn tones here, as if the world is burning around you. “About Those Who Are Silent Now” features some hellishly meaty bass notes along with the soundtrack of hate and regret. It takes a turn after the half-way mark, and begins to slowly descend downward as they darkness closes in around it, until no light remains. Overall, this was an excellent album. It has enough aggressiveness for those who like that pinch, enough tones of Doom for those who like that downtrodden feeling, and enough melody for those who don’t like their Death Metal served bland.

8 / 10









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"Archaic Dance of the Winds" Track-listing:

1. Black Mountain

2. The River Named Opir

3. Into Lightless, Uncharted Depths

4. Night Visions Fade

5. About Those Who Are Silent Now


U Kronakh Lineup:

Lycane – Drums

Monolith – Vocals

Voidger – Guitars, Bass


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