Spears Of The Aten


 Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: TYRANNOS; independently unsigned, hailing from […]
By Craig Rider
September 15, 2022
Tyrannos - Spears Of The Aten album cover

 Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: TYRANNOS; independently unsigned, hailing from England - performing Progressive Death Metal, on their debut EP entitled: "Spears Of The Aten" (released June 21st, 2022). Since formation in 2017; the trio in question have only a single entitled: "Beneath The Pharaonic Necropolis" (released November 11th, 20177) and this here debut EP entitled: "Spears Of The Aten", having been acquainted with this band before and reviewing a live show with Retribution: Alive, a killer night was had while making a new friend with Bonno Stobart himself! So, check out that write up if you want to, which is linked above. Other than that, I'm excited to hear some new material with TYRANNOS so without further ado, let's dive into some Progressive Death Metal slabbage! 4 tracks ranging around 20:59; the band arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Progressive Death Metal developments.

Opening up with this rampantly rompy remedy; this stampeding melody reverberates with rumbling mayhem, bulldozing eardrums into a barrage frenzy in boisterously bouncy hooks and amplified gnarliness within "Beneath The Pharaonic Necropolis". This majestic snarl scours with distorted deathliness; belting a clobbering foundation in chiseling density, grumbling cords and foreboding harmony from consisting guitar/vocalist Bonno Stobart. The front man elements a concretely gritty dexterity, arming a brimming dose in dynamic complexity of shredding substance & organic nimbleness. Twinning pursuits from Allastair Thomson also demonstrates a fierce rev that pierces through with rip-roaring soars and bludgeoning but berserking grovellings from Bonno, both tear through speakers with razor-sharp tonality while surging with raspiness throatiness & guttural growls - bleeding wrathfully with yelling shouting amongst a grumbling headiness in sturdy tightness that merges well with the technical riffage with these two slabbing powerhouses of solid retribution while atmospheric blends mounts with transgressional intensity.

"Cycle Of Idols" injects a blasphemous chime while thumpy bass flickering audibility from Owen Padfield fluidly infects you with punchy weight; while progressive yet slaying grinds harnesses a flamboyant execution in distinctively distinguished tempos of monolithic strike, forging a bombastic boundary in monstrously meaty finesse and symbolic perseverance that's uniquely versatile while vehemently malicious to boot. A killer laceration mobility manifests with thunderous volatility, where rapid swiftness mixed with rampantly rompy brusings impressively unearths this wildly rushing virtuosity on quintessential wickedness & radically flexible fundamentals in methodical stridency. "The Tyrant's Bane" introduces a frolicking gallop, intertwined with these stifling chugs in which trembles with sinister savagery. Recruiting Ciaran Trevana (on cello), and  Daniel Gurner/Emma Rednall (both on violin), assisting with this zestful towering of salubrious but deathly instrumental collapse - revolving seamlessness sonically shrouds through you with thudding calamity & rambunctiously piledriving oppression from hammering drummer Scott Fuller.

This quaking but dark synergy of ruthless pandemonium & ominously jarring persistence showcases some rawly rough stability while pummeled solidities of pounding complexities creatively fabricates a trampling thrash momentum of ushering cadence and diabolical but visceral remorselessness of relentless portrayal that's most crushing. Overall concluding "Spears Of The Aten" within the finale but banging epic: "Sun Disc Cataclysm"; featuring a neat solo from guitar maestro Morean, this virulent yet vibrantly potent slice of Progressive Death Metal sulfurity ramifies with this truly blinding experience in which outdoes itself inventively with profusely robust clarity and ethereal exuberance in which supplies some diligently detail craftsmanship, avant-garde masterwork. This EP fires all cylinders and has an exciting future making me want to hear what's next, an enjoyably entertaining discovery should you fancy a bestial invasion in immersively brutal songwriting musicianship qualities that makes this spin re-playable & brisk at the same time, do check it out!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Spears Of The Aten" Track-listing:

1. Beneath The Pharaonic Necropolis
2. Cycle Of Idols
3. The Tyrant's Bane
4. Sun Disc Cataclysm

Tyrannos Lineup:

Bonno Stobart - Guitar/Vocals
Owen Padfield - Bass
Allastair Thomson - Guitar

Guest performances:

Scott Fuller - Drums
Morean - Guitar solo on 'Sun Disc Cataclysm'
Ciaran Trevana - Cello on 'The Tyrant's Bane'
Emma Rednall - Viola on 'The Tyrant's Bane'
Daniel Gurner - Violin on 'The Tyrant's Ban'

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