

To make an impact on the current hard rock and metal market that is completely […]
By Michael Dalakos
May 12, 2007
Twilightning - Swinelords album cover

To make an impact on the current hard rock and metal market that is completely flooded with album releases, you really have to come up with some spectacular goods. Good songs and good musicianship are not enough anymore. If you aren't capable of delivering excellent song material, you can always fall back on gimmicks, a special live act, remarkable lyrics or a huge marketing budget.

And TWILIGHTING has nothing from the above mentioned. Consider Swinelords a B- melodic metal / hard rock release like those who flood the metal market. Interesting? Not really - I mean we have heard it all before and to get even worse the blend of genres sometimes makes the listening even more boring than it is supposed to be.

Bright moments? Yes they do exist. Songs like Isolation Shell and Wounded & Withdraw are really good but they cannot salvage a whole album right? Not even the casually good production works as a wildcard here. Bottom line for Swinelords is that in a quite sadistic way it manages to repeat all that mentioned in the opening paragraph that as you can imagine I copy / pasted from their label's site. Next...

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Swinelords" Track-listing:

Isolation Shell
Reflection Of The Cuckoo
Vice Jesus
Pimps, Witches, Thieves & Bitches
The Gun
Not A Word
Consume Gap
With The Flow
Wounded & Withdraw

Twilightning Lineup:

Heikki Poyhia - Vocals
Ville Wallenius - Guitar
Tommi Sartanen - Guitar
Jussi Kainulainen - Bass
Juha Leskinen - Drums

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