The Horror


This is one of the times you remember why you fell in love with the […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
February 21, 2009
Tribulation - The Horror album cover

This is one of the times you remember why you fell in love with the underground in the first place. Even though I hate using this word, the underground is always more 'true', it is always honest, it is passionate and it will give you music that you probably won't find in the mainstream pile of shit. TRIBULATION took really good care of preparing music that big labels and bands with money to feed their grandchildren's grandchildren will never give you.

Coming from Sweden, TRIBULATION definitely know what extreme Metal is all about. And I guess they spent a lot of time working on this album, which is their debut one, since it took them 8 years for a full-length release. Their only official release before this one was their 2006 EP Putrid Rebirth which was issued through the underground label Blood Harvest Records.

Swedish Death Metal is what TRIBULATION is all about, but I guess the readers that thought of melodic stuff and NWOSDM should stop reading right now. These guys are miles away from bands like IN FLAMES, DARK TRANQUILLITY etc. Their slightly thrashy approach of Death Metal is definitely interesting, since the razor-sharp guitars won't let you drive your ears away from your speakers. Mixed and mastered by Tore Stjerna of Necromorbus Studio (WATAIN, IN BATTLE etc.) the album sounds pretty nice and clear, while maintaining the dirty and rotten aesthetic of an old school release (and the music is as old school as it gets).

There were times that The Horror did not sound so amazing, but there were times I couldn't believe the riffing talent of Hulten and Zaars (also in ENFORCER). Especially if you listen to Beyond The Horror and you don't headbang until you break your neck, then you have a serious problem! Check them out and be sure to prepare yourselves for a brutal old school experience full of thrashy Death Metal. Suggested if you are a fan of KAAMOS.

7 / 10


"The Horror" Track-listing:

Into The Jaws Of Hell
Crypt Of Thanatophilia
Curse Of Resurrection
Beyond The Horror
The Vampyre
Sacrilegious Darkness
Spawn Of The Jackal
Seduced By The Smell Of Rotten Flesh
Graveyard Ghouls

Tribulation Lineup:

J. Andersson - Vocals, Bass
J. Hulten - Guitar
A. Zaars - Guitar
J. Johansson - Drums

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