An Overdose Of Death...

Toxic Holocaust

There has been a big fuss about TOXIC HOLOCAUST the last months and I didn't […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
September 11, 2008
Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose Of Death... album cover

There has been a big fuss about TOXIC HOLOCAUST the last months and I didn't know why. I had the chance to have a small taste of this band from a compilation that was released earlier this year and I can say that what I heard was not so bad. After all, Relapse's people usually know what they're doing when it comes to nice bands.

The one man band was formed back in 1999, when TOXIC HOLOCAUST's mainman decided that it was time he creates something on his own, something that he could put his creativity in. Thus TOXIC HOLOCAUST was born and Joel Grind has been releasing numerous demos, split CD's and full-length albums since then. Relapse ‘kidnapped' him and signed him for his brand new album An Overdose Of Death..., which is his third full-length effort.

First of all I would like to say that it is kind of strange that Relapse signed such a band. This label is known only about its Grind, Hardcore and Sludge bands and now it releases an album full of old school Thrash/Speed Metal!

Basically, Joel Grind belongs to this new generation of old school Thrash Metal bands along with acts like EVILE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, MERCILESS DEATH and many more. What annoys me in some of these bands is that they really strive to sound old school rather than just doing it because that's what they fell like doing. This suspicion was kind of wandering around when I was listening to An Overdose Of Death..., since it is kind of tragic listening to a 2008 album coming from a major label that has a totally 80's raw sound, and I am not talking about the music here, I am talking about the sound's quality.

Anyway, TOXIC HOLOCAUST's music is a mixture between old school aggressive Thrash Metal with some slight Black/Death Metal touches that make the band sound close to the likes of AURA NOIR, NIFELHEIM and DESASTER. The guitars are spitting poisonous riffs, while the drumming creates a chaotic background where Grind's vocals sing songs of a war full of violence, death and torture. On top of all these, you can add Grind's Punk attitude and start to see the image on this TOXIC HOLOCAUST puzzle.

You see, it is always nice to see that people are trying to resurrect the spirit of the 80's Thrash Metal scene, but I don't see why someone won't use the 21st century's technology to achieve it. A good sound never hurt a song, but a bad production can kill a great song. I just hope that this Thrash Metal movement is not becoming some sort of trend...

6 / 10

Had Potential

"An Overdose Of Death..." Track-listing:

Wild Dogs
Nuke The Cross
Endless Armageddon
Future Shock
War Game
In The Name Of Science
March From Hell
War Is Hell
The Lord Of The Wasteland
Feedback, Blood And Distortion
Death From Above
City Of A Million Graves

Toxic Holocaust Lineup:

Joel Grind - Vocals, All Instruments

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