State Of Disaster
Torrential Thrill

Torrential Thrill are another hard rockin band for from the land of OZ, and that is a mark of pedigree, not a put-down. I don't know what is in the water, nope the beer that consistently produces a high caliber of bands, and TORRENTIAL THRILL are the latest from that production line with "State Of Disaster".
For example, "High Society" is the sort of song that DEF DEPPARD could produce if they too came from Melbourne and drank and played in the same bars, rather wanting to be an American Pop Band. But that doesn't make them clones of anyone.
Also, lets be honest, we know what we are going to get. We get blue-collar hard rock, played harder, but with a very high level of production. But unlike some Ozzie bands who can be accused of all being clones of the great gods ACDC, there is more on offer here.
The opening shot of "Illusion" is an upbeat rousing song that immediately reminded me of one of the best from over this side of the world for the infectious pull you up and get you dancing bands MASSIVE WAGGONS, and they even manage to get in a cheeky very 'DC riff that Mr Young would be proud of, just to remind us of their cultural heritage. A definite bang! To kick off with.
"Role Model" carries on in the same way, hard fast and relentless. The aforementioned "High Society" is next. Bang, Bang, Bang! Next up is "ITCH" which carries on in the same way, with a heavy AOR song that sounds like its being sung by Poppa Het in places. Me like this one a lot.
5 songs in and we get to pause for breath, briefly. "Breathe" (you see what I did there!), slows it down but remains heavy with its bluesy riffage and blistering solos.
"Dangerous Games" slowly turns up the wick, getting heavier and louder as builds to nearly metallic proportions. A deliciously angry track. "Colour Of Roses" keeps the peddle to the Metal and the heads a bangin. "Animal (Like Me)" brings out the cowbell and the sleaze. Still very heavy, but very, very filthy, all in a good way. Those drums! That riff!! The naughty bass!! This is cruising up the strip looking for girls or a fight, and doesn't care which.
The title track is next. "State Of Disaster" and well this is a bit different! I am not sure how exactly to describe it. It is like nothing that has gone before it. It is a serious song with a serious sound. To these ears it sounds a B.O.C, broody and intense. And "Know My Song" carries on in a similar vein. Both of these are great songs, but both are quite different from what goes before and what comes next to finish up the album.
"Crossroads" lifts up with some rawk and roll to finish us off. Brash and snotty and with a little bit of Ozzie punk in the mix. An uplifting finish.
So, in conclusion this is a mighty fine listen. It is multi-faceted, which could have become an issue with lesser material. With everything delivered in such a fine way, I think I can nearly forgive this one thing. The production is polished, but not over done and enhances the sounds. I like this a lot, and hope someone can get these guys over to the UK for a RnR party Torrential style
10 / 10

"State Of Disaster" Track-listing:
Role Model
High Society
Dangerous Games
Colour Of Roses
Animal (Like Me)
State Of Disaster
Know My Song
Torrential Thrill Lineup:
Chris - guitars, vocals
Steve - guitars, backing vocals
Knoxy - bass, backing vocals
Matt - drums
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