Over My Dead Body

Tony Mills

English gentleman and Vocal legend Tony Mills (exTNT/ex SIAM/ex SHY) has just releasing the pinnacle […]
By YngwieViking
March 6, 2015
Tony Mills - Over My Dead Body album cover

English gentleman and Vocal legend Tony Mills (exTNT/ex SIAM/ex SHY) has just releasing the pinnacle album of his Metal career entitled "Over My Dead Body" inspired by his new conscience, a vision stroke reached after his Heart attack and his near death experience in Oslo Airport in 2010.

After some cardiac surgery and yet finishing with the contractual commitments with TNT, the vocalist took the decision to step over for another Episode in his carreer, he teamed with the Australian label Battlegod Productions thanks to his connection with the NERGARD project (I can't find enough recommendations for the sublime 2011's "Memorial For A Wish"), he'd also recruit his old collaborator from the SHY days and famous producer Neil Kernon (DOKKEN/QUEENSRYCHE/NEVERMORE) and also a bunch of guest musicians from Europe and the States who joined Tony Mills' fourth solo album recording process namely: Paul Sabu (ONLY CHILD), Henning Ramseth (RETURN), Robert Sall (W.E.T. / WORK OF ART), Andreas Olsson Passmark (ROYAL HUNT/ex DIVINEFIRE/NARNIA), Douglas Docker (DOCKERS GUILD/ex BILOXI), Andreas Nergard (NERGARD), Victor Borge (TNT) and of course the ubiquitous keyboardist Eric Ragno (ex CHINA BLUE/ex TAKARA/ex AMERICAN ANGEL)

Of course thematically the album concept is strong, dealing with his new state of mind and connected with his inner perceptions, emotions and deep reflections throughout his harrowing encounter with the other side and his resurrection sensation, driven by a new and fresh direction in his life, the song runs the whole range from dark melancholy to divine revelations!

Musically, the Mills musical legacy is honored, he met a new songwriter companion with Robert Sall from W.E.T. and WORK OF ART and started working with the experienced guidance of iconic Neil Kernon, so unsurprisingly it's a slice of Melodic Metal (notably with the sharpy "28 Flights"), enhanced with Progressive moments (the complex orchestral "We Should Be On By Now" that sounds similar to SIAM meets QUEEN) and a few AOR flavored numbers like the 80's "4 In The Morning", the addictive "No Love Lost" or the JOURNEY influenced "Somewhere in London" .

The triptych "Gate 21"/"My Death"/"Bitter Suite" and the closing track "Free Spirits" are the most personal and the darkest songs, relating with our doubts, our convictions and about the Spiritual/Christian belief of Tony Mills.

A very good album that is not easy to digest at first, maybe a little hermetical but always rewarding in the long term... Recommended!

8 / 10


"Over My Dead Body" Track-listing:

1. Time Won't Wait
2. 28 Flights
3. We Should Be On By Now
4. No Love Lost
5. Gate 21
6. My Death
7. Bitter Suite
8. 4 In The Morning
9. Northern Star
10. Somewhere In London
11. Free Spirits

Tony Mills Lineup:

Robert Sall - Guitars and keys
Andreas Passmark - Bass
Victor Borge - Bass
Neil Kernon - Fretless Bass
Andreas Nergard - Drums
Eric Ragno - Keyboards
Douglas Docker  - Keyboards
Henning Ramseth - Guitars/Bass/Keyboards
Paul Sabu - Guitars

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