

TOMORR are a doom metal trio from Empoli, Italy. Having formed back in 2017 the […]
By Seán Leslie
January 4, 2021
Tomorr - Tomòrr album cover

TOMORR are a doom metal trio from Empoli, Italy. Having formed back in 2017 the band are fairly new to the world of doom metal but three years later the band has released their debut full length studio album titled "Tomòrr" via Acid Cosmonaut in November to end off the year. "Tomòrr" is a six track album, though six may not sound like a lot this album has some very lengthy songs some reaching almost nine minutes and the closing track "The 1001 Window Village" hitting almost seventeen minutes by itself.

Each track on this album is slower and even more sludgy then the one before it with the raw sounding drums of Chero and the very low-end heavy guitar sound of J Meister mixed with Mostro's bass playing which is topped off by the much cleaner then anticipated vocal tone of J Meister with an almost classic rock style of vocals which makes for a very unique and interesting sounding band. The albums opening track "Kaba" is a very eerie track, starting off with a mash up of sounds from different instruments before leading into some form of organized musical chaos that brought the opening track to an end.

The albums opening track was followed by two almost nine minute powerhouse tracks in "Vargmal" and "Varr", both tracks are very heavily instrumentally orientated tracks but are complimented nicely by the addition of well placed vocals from J Meister which add an extra layer of power to the slow and sludgy tracks. The track "Grazing Land" is the second shortest track of the bands original material on this album, clocking in at almost double the length of their shortest track, the opening track "Kaba" as it is almost seven minutes long. I say original material as the second last track on this album is in fact a doom metal style cover of a song by musician Ylli Baka which is titled "Terra".

Despite being on of the shorter tracks on the album "Grazing Land" could be considered the sludgiest track on the album with it's very slow and dark guitar riff mixed with an almost equally dark bass tone and a repetitive drum pattern throughout the track. The final track is album an incredible almost seventeen minute track titled "The 1001 Window Village" which starts off as quite a calm solemn track and as it progresses the intensity level increases while maintaining a relatively slow rhythm tempo, a standout feature of this track was the powerful guitar solo by J Meister throughout the final part of the track which layered nicely on top of the track to give the album and ending to a standard of which it deserved.

Having listened to the album as a whole from start to finish, I can say if you are a fan doom metal and like longer songs, you will enjoy this album as it has plenty of both and is an album to keep an eye out for in the future.

7 / 10









"Tomòrr" Track-listing:

1. Kaba
2. Vargmal
3. Varr
4. Grazing Land
5. Terra
6.The 1001 Window Village

Tomorr Lineup:

J Meister - Guitar/Vocals
Mostro - Bass
Chero - Drums

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