Zero Hour

Toledo Steel

It's always refreshing to hear when band's aim is to bring back the retro sounds […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
March 13, 2015
Toledo Steel - Zero Hour album cover

It's always refreshing to hear when band's aim is to bring back the retro sounds of seventies and eighties Heavy Metal as that is a personal favourite genre of Metal. The latest band to provide this treat with style and grace are Southampton based TOLEDO STEEL; they will be storming through the Metal scene before you can say JUDAS PRIEST.

After a streak of releasing demos, a lot of shows and building up a loyal fan base TOLEDO STEEL proudly present their new EP "Zero Hour" and if this doesn't ensure a place for them in New Wave Of British Heavy Metal then I don't know what will.

Opening with instrumental title track entices the listener into the storm that is about to cast upon the listener's ear drums; with the smooth transition to "Fallen Empire" showcasing old school riffs and solos on the guitars and the familiar sound IRON MAIDEN-esque vocals provided by Rich Rutter I could instantly tell they carry the sound off well.

My personal favourite track on the EP is "Children Of The Sun", I personally love the rhythm on this track that will allow sweeping motions from headbanging. I also love the amount old school guitar work in this particular. It's also this particular song that will stand good stead as an upcoming Heavy Metal anthem; memorable melody with excellent instrumental arrangement, a crucial thing in Heavy Metal.

The concluding track named after their gracious selves only proves that TOLEDO STEEL mean business and they are certainly not going to come quietly. As the lyrics suggest TOLEDO STEEL have certainly risen from the flames to show the Metal community what they are made of.

Giving that this band are right on my doorstep it seems only fitting that I may even have a front row seat as I watch them storm onto the Metal scene.

10 / 10


"Zero Hour" Track-listing:

1. Zero Hour
2. Fallen Empire
3. City Lights
4. Children Of The Sun
5. Speed Killer
6. Toledo Steel

Toledo Steel Lineup:

Rich Rutter - Lead Vocals
Kyle House - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Tom Potter - Guitar
David Lovell - Bass, Backing Vocals
Matt Dobson - Drums, Backing

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