To The Bone

To The Bone

I've always been a fan of dirty grooves and a punkish attitude. Sometimes it is […]
By Amy La Salla
September 20, 2005
To The Bone - To The Bone album cover

I've always been a fan of dirty grooves and a punkish attitude. Sometimes it is just the thing for getting those frusterations out. To The Bone delivers both of these things in a natural angst like a woundful of dirt and salt. To The Bone is a relatively new band, having formed in 2003 and only having released one demo before releasing their self titled debut. They are currently in the studio working on a follow up album.
A member of the group of bands who are aiming for a more classic (Rock) sound. Their sound-quality is dirty and their music has no frills, but there's a good news/bad news situation here. The good news is that there is nothing to distract from the catchy parts of the songs, the bad news is that the quality of their music varies little through the album and there is not enough lead-work for my taste. The music is fun, catchy and groovey. They remind me a bit of Armored Saint. The guitar-work is dark and angry and the singer does a competant but not outstanding job.
My favorite song off of this album is Dead Brothers Of Innocence. The catchiest thing on the album and closer to Hard Rock than Metal. With its irritatable bounce Dead Brothers Of Innocence would make a good driving song. At times it reminds me of older Rock 'N' Roll. Point The Finger Point The Gun is heavier than Dead Brothers Of Innocence. Although not quite as good, Point The Finger Point The Gun sums up what their music is all about. If you like it, you will like the majority of the album. Its angst drips in grime and catchy grooves. Another goodie is Know Your Beast; it is highly singable and slightly less angry than Point The Finger Point The Gun. Like Dead Brothers Of Innocence, parts of Know Your Beast are reminiscent of older Rock 'N' Roll.
Although a more than pleasant listen, To The Bone does suffer from the odd flaw. Time and successive albums may mend these but for the time being enjoy their punky goodness. Horns up, over and out.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"To The Bone" Track-listing:

Keep Your Face Down
Point the Finger Point The Gun
Know Your Beast
Kill Freak
New Plague
Down The Throat
The Changeling
To The Bone
Deny The Gods
Dead Brothers Of Innocence

To The Bone Lineup:

Jeff Bridi - Bass
Nick Bohensky - Guitars
Dave Wilson - Drum

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