
During the rise of the Second Wave of Black Metal in the early days of the 90s, people commit a great mistake to focus attention solely on Norway, because such musical trend was happing throughout the world, and Greece saw the rise of what is known as Hellenic Black Metal, a different form of the genre, with features that belongs solely to bands of the country. ROTTING CHRIST, NECROMANTIA, VARATHRON and others are pioneers showed the world the secrets laying the Daedalus labyrinth there, and one heir of such historical load is THYRATHEN, as heard on their second full-length, “Lakonic”.
It’s not a sin to say that the quintet shows a different insight on Hellenic Black Metal: it still is focused on dense and funereal ambiences, with contrasts between rhythmics and it’s full of eerie and hooking melodies, but the contrasts between vocals tunes and arrangements are depicting a band with too much personality and even an operatic appeal (pay attention o some vocals’ parts heard on “Religious Agonies”). But such high level is expected from guys with name as RAZOR OF OCCAM, NOCTERNITY, MACABRE OMEN, VARATHRON, THE ONE, BLACK WINTER, FUNERAL STORM and many others on their curriculums.
Corax S. (the band’s drummer) worked as producer, having with him Achilleas Kalantzis (who co-produced the album, and made the mixing and mastering as well) created a sonority that respects the traits of classic Hellenic Black Metal, but with updates to make the songs clean and understandable (what they deserve). And to give an especial taste to the songs, here are the guests: Demosthenes Giannoulopoulos (narration on Greek on “De Rerum Natura”, and “Η Πόλις - The City (The Philosophical Poem)”, and narration on Latin on “Void, Matter, Sperm”), Mary Keck on female vocals and Greg Chandler on the vocals on “Scales & Sword (The Fall of Justice)”, and Ioannis Karamitsios on the choirs.
It’s obvious that some non-used fans will have the wrong idea about what “Lakonic” has to offer, but the pleasure given by the experience of listening to moments as “The Throne of Micro-Cosmos (Foolishness)” (a somber set of ambiences pierced by excellent vocals with contrasts between growls and screams), “Religious Agonies” (an oppressive song filled with excellent rhythmic contrasts, showing how bass guitar and drums work in a solid and coherent way), “Matter, Void, Sperm” (that presents the classic Greek Black Metal musical essence, with eerie guitar riffs and arrangements), “De Rerum Natura”, “Η Πόλις - The City (The Philosophical Poem)” (it’s impossible to resist to its darkened melodic appeal), “Void, Matter, Sperm” and “Scales & Sword (The Fall of Justice)” (the contrasts of ambiences and tempos, along with the female vocals, is great) is a pleasure to any Metal fan that listens to it!
“Lakonic” presents the experience of listening to Hellenic Black Metal on one hand, and on the other offers new ideas and insights in the genre. Then praise the Black Metal opera offered by THYRATHEN 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻!
10 / 10

"Lakonic" Track-listing:
- The Throne of Micro-Cosmos (Foolishness)
- Religious Agonies
- Matter, Void, Sperm
- De Rerum Natura
- Η Πόλις - The City (The Philosophical Poem)
- Void, Matter, Sperm
- Scales & Sword (The Fall of Justice)
Thyrathen Lineup:
Stefan Necroabyssious - Vocals (Growls)
Alexandros - Vocals (Screams, Clean, Choirs)
Noch - Guitars, Bass, Vocals (Choirs)
Thanasis Kleopas - Lyre, Vocals (Clean, Choirs, Psalms)
Corax S. - Drums, Percussion, Additional Vocals
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