
Thy Shining Curse

This was an excellent album, and it’s hard to imagine that it was created by one person. His attention to detail, and his musicianship is very strong, and the juxtaposition of melody with Death Metal is delicately balanced.
February 18, 2024

“Theurgia” is a collection of seven musical rites, revolving around a common thematic axis; transgressing the physical world. Theurgia stands for "divine work" in Greek and was developed as a term by the Neoplatonists. It describes a sies of magical acts that aim to connect the human soul to a hierarchy of superior beings, leading up to the supreme being or so-called, The One. Symphonic Death Metal.” The album has seven songs.

 The title track is first; a short intro to “Abyssaoth.” The symphonic elements are strong, but there are some light phasing issues here and there, but the backbone is strong, and the vocals are deep. The instrumental mid-section is interesting, but it doesn’t really fit into the song as well as it could. I need to keep listening. “Aesahaettr” also has a heavy dose of symphonic elements and it is a little more put together. Transitions are one thing that take time and experience to do well, and here Leonidas does a decent job with them.

 “Acephale” features some electronic elements and some excellent piano work, and the songs are getting better as the album moves along. The instrumental passage and lead guitar work are also very well done, and this song has a lot of energy. “Lenore” has a steadier and more straightforward sound, and I love the different effects used in some of the vocals. The lead guitar work is fantastic again, and I appreciate the versatility that Leonidas shows on the album so far. “Heptacletus” begins with some piano notes before the descent into madness. Each note and each symphonic element is placed with great care, and the end result is synergy.

 “Melmoth” closes the album, and thick and fat notes come through strong in the beginning. I also quite like the melody in the chorus. Overall, this was an excellent album, and it’s hard to imagine that it was created by one person. His attention to detail, and his musicianship is very strong, and the juxtaposition of melody with Death Metal is delicately balanced.

8 / 10









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"Theurgia" Track-listing:

1. Theurgia

2. Abyssaoth

3. Aesahaettr

4. Acephale

5. Lenore

6. Heptacletus

7. Melmoth


Thy Shining Curse Lineup:

Leonidas Diamantopoulos

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