The Loss And Redemption
Thy Kingdom Will Burn

THY KINGDOM WILL BURN were formed in 2016, and they are from Kouvola, Finland. They are a melodic Death Metal band and released one EP and two full-length albums so far. Their third album is called “The Loss And Redemption” and it was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Juho Rähä (BEFORE THE DAWN; SWALLOW THE SUN; WOLFHEART) at the Finnish Inka Studio. The album has a length of about 50 minutes, and it was released via Italian Power, Thrash, and Heavy Metal specialists Scarlet Records. The opening track of the album is “Perpetual Void” and it starts with epic and dark melodies at a measured tempo. The guitar riffing during the verse part is powerful. The growling vocals vary around the medium to higher end of the guttural range. The chorus part maintains intensify the epic melodies with a few melancholic features. The vocals use a few deeper notes for the chorus part. “Perpetual Void” is the official video release, and the YouTube link is provided below. “Obscure Existence” is a mid-tempo track with Folk inspired melodies. The verse parts and the bridges use a lot of double-bass drumming, while the chorus parts sound catchy. The break is introduced by a few orchestral arrangements and the lyrics use once again deeper notes. Altogether, “Obscure Existence” is an early album highlight. “Martyrs Of Killing Floor” starts with a short pre-lude at measured tempo, introducing the main melody. It transitions quickly into a fast verse part with thunderous riffing. The chorus part goes back to the initial measured tempo and as time goes by, the track switches between fast and slower parts. Highlight is the extended lead guitar solo. The main melody is grim, and this is intensified using the piano.
“Forever In Dark” starts powerful with devastating riffing at a measured tempo. The verse and chorus parts include plenty of double-bass drumming. The melodic framework is dark and melancholic. The chorus melodies are catchy with almost anthemic chorus lines. “Escape From Solitude” starts with a short guitar-driven intro leading into a mid-tempo instrumental part enriched with orchestral arrangements. The verse part eventually is at measured tempo with clean vocals around the medium end of the vocal range. The chorus part uses then the growling vocals. The melodic framework of the track is grim, and there is some complexity in the song textures. “Suffering Sky” starts with a very powerful instrumental part with thunderous guitar riffing, leading into a fast verse part. The riffing during the verse part is tight and playful. The chorus part switches back to a measured tempo with punishing riffs and spine-chilling melodies. The break is introduced by the piano leading to a contributing lead guitar solo with melancholy in the melodies. “Suffering Sky” is another album highlight. “They Have Come” starts with a mid-tempo verse part. The riffing is tight and leads to dark melodies with a slight neo-classical touch, which is enhanced by using the piano. Highlight of the track is another cool lead guitar solo.
“Dreams Of Calamity” starts frantic with a blast-beat driven verse and chorus parts. The riffing and the melodies are chilling and intensified by the orchestral arrangements. The break changes then the whole nature of the track: away from the blistering pace towards thunderous guitar riffs at mid-tempo and no orchestrations. The lead guitar solo is very contributing, and finally the track ends with the main melody and the guitars. “To End Of Times” starts with an extended instrumental part introducing the main melody at mid-tempo. The verse parts are again driven by the blast-beats and epic melodies, while the chorus parts use the main melody at a measured tempo. The break leads into another contributing extended lead guitar solo followed by a clean vocal driven part. It is once again a dark track with epic and melancholic melodies. The album finishes with “Sydānyō” and this is a track with powerful and thunderous guitar riffing at a measured tempo and with a lot of melancholy in the melody. The main riff is very heavy but still has a certain catchiness. The track is a great mixture of darkness, melancholy, and brutal heaviness, especially towards the end of the song. It is surely a great way to close the album.
THY KINGDOM WILL BURN release a promising melodic Death Metal album. “The Loss And Redemption” is dark and heavy, and also epic and melancholic. It is a good mixture of all those elements, where the melancholy in the melodies is perhaps the main component of the album. However, the melodeath sound of the album is versatile enough to keep it fresh and interesting for the listener. The album is well produced. “The Loss And Redemption” is a good album for melodic Death Metal fans who love it dark and melancholic.
8 / 10

"The Loss And Redemption" Track-listing:
- Perpetual Void
- Obscure Existence
- Martyrs Of Killing Floor
- Forever In Dark
- Escape From Solitude
- Suffering Sky
- They Have Come
- Dreams Of Calamity
- To End Of Times
- Sydānyō
Thy Kingdom Will Burn Lineup:
Sami Kujala –Vocals, Guitars
Esa Viren –Guitars
Lauri Viren – Drums
Janne Ruuskanen – Bass
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