Debt Of Words

Through The Silence

A gradual start from the Portuguese five-piece Metalcore band, THROUGH THE SILENCE with their brand […]
By Isha Shah
January 26, 2015
Through The Silence - Debt Of Words album cover

A gradual start from the Portuguese five-piece Metalcore band, THROUGH THE SILENCE with their brand new EP, titled "Debt of Words." With a great essence of the old school Metal vibe, the band can relate themselves to As I Lay Dying and Bullet For My Valentine with clear influences of these signature bands that are scattered along the EP.

The only possible way to describe the EP is an unexpected journey of natural diastases, plunging in with whirlwinds of guitar strums and hurricanes of drumming twirls, the quintet have arranged a wide variety of sounds within 6 small tracks.

Starter track "Unspoken" is your common short intro, that doesn't give too much away from the record but allows you to sink slowing into their sound with the soft touches of the piano, which soon dissolves into the next track "Salvation." Again not even realizing this bold transition between the two, the song begins right away with vocals that are sweet and graceful.  Contrasting sounds are found within the harsh raspiness of the clean and screamed vocals, working in unity.

THROUGH THE SILENCE builds tension in each track to cause dramatic effect, but not in an obvious or generic format, they take time and care into gathering all the riffs and breakdowns and placing them accordingly.

"Fallen" takes on a heavier and deeper feel with the tone set being rugged, the track is dominated by vocals, which is a nice touch to the EP, set midway through. For a fresh EP, the band proves solid, exposing some gnarly riffs and head banging tunes found in the last track "Odium." Lacking in talent is clearly not the option here as THROUGH THE SILENCE have continuously showed they are capable for great things.

The last track sums up the whole EP in its entirety, demonstrating it to be their strongest.  The track is just filled with every Metalcore lover's dreams, with an overlaying guitar stream and roaring vocals plastered on top, the track descends into mass destruction.

7 / 10


"Debt Of Words" Track-listing:
  1. Unspoken
  2. Salvation
  3. Dawn of Sorrow
  4. Fallen
  5. Golden Compass
  6. Odium
Through The Silence Lineup:

André Lopes-Vocals,
Edgar Fernandes-Bass,
Pedro Freitas-Guitar/Vocals,
Vitor Parreira-Guitar,
Valente Fagundes-Drums

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