Tank Gasmask Ammo

Those Who Bring The Torture

I guess that the nicknames Crawl, Worm and Maggot won't say anything to you, but […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
September 3, 2008
Those Who Bring The Torture - Tank Gasmask Ammo album cover

I guess that the nicknames Crawl, Worm and Maggot won't say anything to you, but I believe that if you give me some time, then you will definitely find this album really interesting, at least because of the musicians that participate in it. So, let's move on mates!

These death metallers are a pretty fresh band since they formed THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE last year, in 2007. This is one more of Rogga Johansson's projects, since he is the mastermind behind it. And don't tell me you don't know Johansson! I suppose you all have listened to his fierce vocals on EDGE OF SANITY's Crimson II!

So, after securing a contract with Pulverised Records, the Swedish butchers released their debut album Tank Gasmask Ammo. After having the chance to listen to the new album from DEMIURG (one more project from this busy guy) I expected to face an equally good Death Metal album by this band/project, too. Unfortunately TWBTT didn't manage to amaze me. While listening to the album I didn't find anything else but typical Swedish old school Death Metal that offers things that you expect from every band from this kind. Grinding guitars, monstrous drumming and brutal vocals are things you have heard before...

I guess that Mr. Johansson should reduce the number of his projects since he has proven he is a Death Metal genius and such moves only exhaust him. I guess this is just a wrong step and nothing more. Yeah, what else could it be?

5 / 10


"Tank Gasmask Ammo" Track-listing:

Napalm God
Mutant Slut
All Hail The Goat (Lord Of Great Mutation)
Tank Gasmask Ammo
Celebrating Gamma Bliss
Riders On The Mushroomcloud
Expecting A Search - Visibly Hiding The Flesh
When Humans And Axes Collide
You Should Be Brutally Slaughtered
Upon The Bonethrone
Reveler In Rot
Ionizing Rapture Altering Tissue
Radiation Blessed

Those Who Bring The Torture Lineup:

Crawl - Vocals, Guitar
Worm - Guitar
Maggot - Drums

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