Expect the Worst

These Streets

Coming all the way from the Modesto, California hardcore scene we have the excellent THESE […]
By John Foley
October 22, 2020
These Streets - Expect the Worst album cover

Coming all the way from the Modesto, California hardcore scene we have the excellent THESE STREET with their new E.P Expect the Worst. A mostly hardcore band but with a nu-metal twist this is a band that pack a punch with their music. The E.P opens with the powerful "Stay Awake". Opens with a drum roll that you take notice off right away as the guitars creep in. Then we get a bang as those heavy killer guitar riff just take over the track. There are some great vocal work here too that really fits with each section.

"Misery" is next up as the band comes thundering in. This song has a great groove to it as well which really hooks you in. You can hear on this song how the different sections flow into each other with ease which helps the band create a big sound to their music. "Irreversible" is a song were right from the start lets the bass take the lead in the verse and helps carry the song. The vocal work here really shows a lot of range as it makes the song more memorable. You can just hear how the band is on fire with their playing on this one.

We then get to the title track "Expect the Worst". This one has some great guitar execution and it must be said that this far into listening to the E.P that the band are absolutely killing it. Musically you can hear a lot of groove to the music and a lot of feel too mixed with aggression which makes for some killer music. And here we come to the last song called "Bound to Break". From the start you hear the guitars fade in for the final assault. While listening to this song (and throughout the E.P) I often found myself headbanging along to this at home. The vocals along with the rest of the band are totally kicking ass here. The bass then commands the middle section. This is a really good closer to the E.P and a sign of a good performance when you are left with the feeling of wanting more after it's over.

I really liked the production here and the tones from the instrument too. The riffs were just great and the singer had a lot of range to his vocals as well as he really knew which vocal style to use to suit each section of the songs. THESE STREETS have this big sound that crushes you with its heaviness. Their sound has those classic groove metal sound found on most nu-metal acts with a slight modern hardcore twist. Personally I would love to hear more from these guys.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Expect the Worst" Track-listing:

1. Stay Awake
2. Misery
3. Irreversible
4. Expect the Worst
5. Bound to Break

These Streets Lineup:

Cameron Grabowski - Vocals
Trevor Peeples - Guitar
Lucas Morales - Drums
Josh Day - Vocals and Bass

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