Fragment : Totenruhe
November 8, 2022

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: THEOTOXIN; signed via Art of Propaganda Records, hailing from Austrian grounds - performing Black/Death Metal, on their 4th full-length studio album entitled: "Fragment : Totenruhe" (released October 28th, 2022). Since formation in 2016; the quartet in question have 4 full-length studio albums in their discography so far entitled: "Atramentvm" (released March 16th, 2017), "Consilivm" (released May 4th, 2018), "Fragment : Erhabenheit" (released September 11th, 2020) & this here 4th offering entitled: "Fragment : Totenruhe" in their discography so far. 9 tracks ranging around 46:23... THEOTOXIN arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy hitting Black/Death Metal amalgamations.
Opening up with this ominously jarring riff within "World, Burn For Us"; an extreme rift uproariously yells with shouty rasps from consisting vocalist Ragnar, where throaty soars grumble deftly as a grunty execution bleeds out some guttural barks and gruesome growls that rages with furious execution while thudding out some sturdy rhythms on tight rumbles that's morphed with reverberating weightiness, reveling with blackened atmosphere throughout some riveting spits that trailblaze with skyrocketing tempo to boot. An intense but raw and rough remedy belts immensely into a clobbering barrage frenzy as boisterously bouncy hooks articulate archaically with sulphurous yet seamlessly primitive volatility, contrasting a distorted substance on organic mayhem that showcases with nothing but blasphemously symbolic perseverance on ritualistic raze and distorted adrenaline. Experimenting with visceral gnarliness, grumbling pandemonium ruthlessly ramifies with razor-sharp madness while persisting with rapidly swift nimbleness on wildly rushing yet synergetic stability... where wrathful rampages stampede with rollicking gallops and chugging frolics from towering yet twinning guitar duo Fabian Rauter & Martin Frick who also attributes at a choppy bass audibility that thumps out with flickering grinds distinctively whilst monolithically vehement - especially in "Catastrophe In Flesh".
Symphonic darkness in "Towards The Chasm'' rollicks with snarly scourings of versatile rips that strikes with profusely robust pursuits on rampantly solidity; surging with strong kicks and crunchy crescendos, rambunctiously piledriving smacks from hammering drummer Flo Musil fabricates at a distinguished drum cymbal tremolo pattern that pounds with pummeling relentlessness & slaying stompiness that shrieks with momentously strident technicality on concretely gritty songwriting musicianship that's most remorseless. A cavernous end elements a flexibly fundamental yet radically wicked contortion as I advance into "Demise Of The Gilded Age", lots of oomph and lacerating firepower expertise injects an infectiously venomous maelstrom malignance here... distributing a diabolical snare of mobility which viciously trembles speakers with groundbreaking grooves and bashing and tenacious melody that's most oppressive.
"After Thousands Of Year" meticulously mystifies you with that misty smog of bruising but brutal decay, smearing through you with pugnaciously salubrious slabs of sweltering grips and mythical transition that merges with that harmonious but tribal rampage with abhorrent calamity. Until the tremoring clamor entitled: "Perennial Lunacy" continues to utilize a groove bomb banishment in which rages high immensely with veracious momentum while this seething mass of maniacal anarchy and ghoulish fervor crafts a creatively dexterous dynamic in hybrid chaos, amongst a ruinous strife that's most deathly. "...Of Rapture & Dissolution" continues to rummage with dismal but loathsome and heinous revolt; where an infernal haste in guitar tone rattles eardrums into a whirlwind vortex of sonic & tactical revolve, motoring with thrashy noise terror whilst prestigiously virulent profanity of Satanic subjugation desecrates densely with this thick but impactfully chime that just forges a havoc building foundation in borderline, but cursing heresy with sadistic malevolence for good measure.
The penultimate titular track rancorously provides more rigorous vigor with sanguine inhumanity; as a barbaric bombardment harvests a bludgeoning synthesis on savagely sinister bestiality, banging out more monstrously meaty nastiness that supplies with terrible certainty and aggressively indelible torment (of the good kind of course) that will transpire souls with evil empowering headiness amongst a maliciously dreadful deviousness as devil inspired divinity shines through you with lunatic craze. Concluding "Totenruhle" with the finale but banging epic cover of MARDUK's classic "Frontschwein"; a fitting but overall symbiosis of all guns blazing deadliness fuses well with the all cylinders instrumental vibrancy that potently smears through you with wondrous abruptness in doomy excellence and collapse. Bottom line; I am compelled to say that THEOTOXIN delivered a healthy dose of some threatening but enjoyably entertaining Black/Death Metal mergers that offers with re-playable spins let alone a unrelenting smolder of rebellious retribution & torment that's most noxiously thrilling. Worthy of listening to should you fancy a fix of sacrilege & pagan-induced disaster, you should then definitely discover this record and experience it for yourself - most surely do check this one out.
8 / 10

"Fragment : Totenruhe" Track-listing:
1. World, Burn for Us
2. Catastrophe in Flesh
3. Towards the Chasm
4. Demise of the Gilded Age
5. After Thousand of Years
6. Perennial Lunacy
7. ...of Rapture and Disolution
8. Totenruhe
9. Frontschwein
Theotoxin Lineup:
Flo Musil - Drums
Fabian Rauter - Guitars
Martin Frick - Guitars/Bass
Ragnar - Vocals
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