

Well, grindcore is not a fashion Metal style. No, it is truly old (it was […]
By Marco "Big Daddy" Garcia
April 6, 2015
Theories - Regression album cover

Well, grindcore is not a fashion Metal style. No, it is truly old (it was born on the middle of the 80's), and was born as a mix between earlier hardcore with thrash metal, but using a more explosive and abrasive insight. When REPULSION (a death metal band with hardcore influences) and NAPALM DEATH released their first works, the whole style got a new way of being played, becoming more brutal, fast and noisy, and even got some industrial influences. But on this evolution, one thing never changed: the social and politic speech on the lyrics of the bands from this style. Of course the style can be bitter and extremely undigested for some Metal fans, but "Big Daddy" here must say: it is here to stay, so you can love or hate it, grindcore will remain near us always. And some good names still arises, as the North American quartet THEORIES, that comes with "Regression", a classroom for musical brutality.

They got the most brutal and abrasive aspects of grindcore, for their music is clear for what our ears can listen, but it has personality and is good. The vocals are extreme, with some screamed tunes with voice effects (that I personally think they don't need at all), fast and good guitar riffs, and a brutal and technical rhythmic kitchen. Besides it's truly extreme, they have a good technique in the musical instruments, so it never seems boring or tiring to our senses.

The sound quality is very good. It is clear in a way that some of the ancient bands couldn't conceive in the past, but it is as heavy and brutal as the precursors were. The instruments' tunes are very good, with all appearing in the way they must be. The album is very short, with ten songs within 28 minutes, so no one of them is boring. But beware when dealing with "Burnt Concrete", "Shame", "First World's Last Breath" and "Revenge/Rewild". They really can make your ears bleed, and there will be a sound of a ring phone on them if you abuse of sound volume.

A good band, indeed, but can do better than we hear on the album.

7 / 10


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"Regression" Track-listing:

01. Burnt Concrete
02. Cycle of Decay
03. Shame
04. Abortive Crescent
05. Bathing in Pigs Blood
06. First World's Last Breath
07. Swimming in Mud
08. Revenge/Rewild
09. Hell in Her Eyes
10. Landfill

Theories Lineup:

Rick - Vocals
Lee - Guitars
Kush - Bass
Joe - Drums

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