Apocalypse? No Way!

The Way I Am

So far this year, the French releases I have received for review so far have […]
By MarcusTheRocker
January 30, 2015
The Way I Am - Apocalypse? No Way! album cover

So far this year, the French releases I have received for review so far have been a bit of a let down, ranging from average to atrocious. I'm still baffled why though as I got some good ones last year but I hope that will change this time, even though I always say that but I hope that, today, that statement will become true.

Anyway, on with the review; the band featured in this one are called THE WAY I AM who have an EP out called "Apocalypse? No Way!" which I will be reviewing and I'm looking to say if this is the first good/decent release the French have made this year so far. The band are a quintet from Paris and the genres they are inspired by include British Rock, US Alternative Metal and even movie soundtracks as well which is pretty cool.

Their debut release is a six song EP which was released two months ago in November of 2014 and upon first listens, this is finally looking like the first good release from the French Rock scene I have heard this year. The first few songs give you a clear impression of what their music is about as they have taken their influences and incorporated it into their sound. Production wise, it sounds clearer then what I have heard on previous French releases I have listened to this year so far, the sound is nice and heavy and I can pick up on their influences as I listen and the vocal performance is not bad either.

The only downsides I can really find is that at times the melodies do sound a little bit muddled/messy and there are a couple of vocal moments where there is a bit of screaming here and there in the latter half of the EP but there's not that much of it so it shouldn't really put you off.

Overall verdict: I'm happy to say that this is better than any and all previous French albums I have heard this year so far. Granted yes it's not perfect as there are a couple of things I am unsure about but overall, it's pretty enjoyable if you ignore any shortfalls in the music and I hope this continues throughout the year with any other French releases I get for review.

7 / 10


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"Apocalypse? No Way!" Track-listing:

1. Underground Memories
2. No Means No
3. Miss Anger
4. Shine Bright
5. Run Faster
6. Answer My Call

The Way I Am Lineup:

Saturne - Vocals,
Bravic - Guitar,
Kronick - Bass,
J-War - Drums,

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