Evil Beyond Belief

The Sanity Days

The overwhelming, heavy feeling of pure evil shrouded me as the creepy sounds of THE […]
By Rodrigo Hidalgo
March 27, 2015
The Sanity Days - Evil Beyond Belief album cover

The overwhelming, heavy feeling of pure evil shrouded me as the creepy sounds of THE SANITY DAY'S new album "Evil Beyond Belief" crawled into my ears and send a shiver down my spine. This exciting new band was formed completely by ex members of UK's Thrash greats ONSLAUGHT. Already being a fan of ONSLAUGHT I have to admit being quite happy knowing I was critiquing "Evil Beyond Belief", I truly had no expectations other than knowing it was all ONSLAUGHT'S ex members so naturally I instantly imagined to be listening to some good ol' UK Thrash, turns out I was wrong, yet not disappointed in the slightest. Steve Grimmett's voice is as melodic and powerful as ever which is great.

So as soon as I received this album I synced it to my phone and blasted it in the kitchen as I was cooking dinner. This certainly is one of those albums you do want to blast out by the way.

The intro track titled "Genesis" was pretty interesting, all I got out of it was a young boy talking about a ghost named Charlie over a creepy slowly played atmospheric guitar vs piano melody that certainly gave me the chills. Without time to waste the first song titled "Charlie" that was based around that guitar melody from the intro comes in a hard hitting guitar riff that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stands up. Actually, on that topic. I'd like to make a special acknowledgement to Al Jordan for producing some of the heaviest, most evil epic guitar riffs I've heard all year possibly for the rest of the year too. This eight and a half minute track has been jammed with some incredibly well produced drums, heavy pummelling bass with even harder hitting guitar riffs and some epic guitar solos creating a wall of sound that nicely sits behind Grimmett's vocals. All of these great elements are fairly consistent impressions I had listening to the entire album.

I think that by far my favourite track would surely be the album title track landing the 5th song on the album. The song begins with some weird paced out heart beats with some weird reversed chanting piled on top as the heart beats get closer together just before Jordan's devilishly tasty guitar riff starts being played layered on top of another making it sound absolutely huge and dominating. The drums then come in with everything else kickstarting the nine and a half minute track and a nine and a half minutes I'd gladly never take back. The length of this song isn't the only thing i really like about this song, it's also the fact that it's such a roller coaster ride of a song with it having many well placed sections and always coming back to the epic chorus. What truly got me going what that face-melting guitar solo about half way through the song. Those extra modulated effects put on that guitar solo just makes the solo sound sensational.

As an audio engineer I'm quite picky about audio so in terms of production I was only moderately happy, I feel as if the production was quite old fashioned, but with the intention of being modern. I realize that true Thrash Metal has that old school 'raw' sound but I feel as if times are changing. In general I felt like audio did sound huge and pretty good for Thrash but i still felt it was a little old fashioned. None the less I wasn't overly bothered by it. I was still bouncing around in my room air-guitaring to the riff of "Ruler Of Infinity" with dad's old tennis racket.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of listening to this album, especially when I turned it up and played it loud (as all good Heavy-Metal should be played). I loved the clear flow of tracks listening to the albums entirety and I would certainly recommend this album for anyone who loves some heavy riffs, hard-hitting drum beats and some of the best highs I've heard from a human in years.

I'd give this album a light 8/10, only because I feel as if I'd be able pick up any old trash album from the 80s and it would be too dissimilar to this one. Not to say that this isn't a good album though.

8 / 10


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"Evil Beyond Belief" Track-listing:

1. Genesis
2. Charlie
3. Satan's Blood
4. My Last Words
5. Evil Beyond Belief
6. Ruler Of Eternity
7. My Demon Mind
8. Broken Wings
9. Closer To The Edge
10. Fire Storm

The Sanity Days Lineup:

Steve Grimmett - Vocals
Al Jordan - Guitars
Jase Stillard - Bass
Steve Grice - Drums

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