The Brocken Fires

The Rite

THE RITE is a Black/Doom Metal band with members from Denmark and Italy.  "The Brocken […]
August 25, 2019
The Rite - The Brocken Fires album cover

THE RITE is a Black/Doom Metal band with members from Denmark and Italy.  "The Brocken Fires" is their debut EP.   Their sound is raw and loud but the production is decent for a Black Metal band, although I wish I could hear the bass a bit more and the double bass sounds a bit thin and quiet in the mix. The first track is just an intro, and an uninteresting one at that.  Fortunately the second track, "A Pact With Hell," fares a lot better.  The main riff has a decent hook, something the album has a knack for.  Halfway thru the song the temp drops a bit and we get buried under a fat Doom riff. I found the band is much better when they slow things down and stay in the Doom territory and add in just a dash of melody.

The third, and title track, "The Brocken Fires," starts off with some Doom riffs-the solos about two minutes into the song plays off the riff nicely and has a touch of Gothic to it. About three and a half minutes in, the track switches to a Thrash cadence and it works well for the band; a song that contains Doom and Thrash isn't an easy feat to pull off although their transitions from one style to the next aren't as seamless as some I've heard. "Heed The Devil's Call," is the slowest track on the album, bringing the band into Funeral Doom territory for the first four minutes before it switches to a heavy handed style that mixes Black with Thrash before slowing back down once more to finish.

The last track, "Acid Orgy" is a cover song from GOATLORD, a band I have not heard before.  As such, I can't really comment on this track since I have nothing to compare it to, having not heard the original.  However, the song does fit the band's general sound. I really feel like this band could add some more dimensions to their songs.  Combining Thrash, Black, and Doom together is rife with possibilities but their songs needs to be expanded more to incorporate all these styles into a more cohesive presentation.   Then again, with this EP only having actually three full length original songs, it is hard to say what direction they might take for a full length-one that I am looking forward to providing the band continues to push and expand their sound.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"The Brocken Fires" Track-listing:

1. Prayer To Satan (Intro)
2. A Pact With Hell
3. The Brocken Fires
4. Heed The Devil's Call
5. Acid Orgy

The Rite Lineup:

Gabriel - Guitars
P. Guts - Drums - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
Ustumallagam - Vocals

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